
By : unknown

The plugin insert a icon on insert/edit page. Click on the icon you can see the picasa users, what you specified on the settings page. Entering in the user you can insert all images form an album, or browse an album and insert images individualy into post.

The plugin insert just the url of image, and the image phisicaly remain in google servers. You can specify the html tags what you apply befor and after image link. On settings page you can set up many features, like: lighbox type, before/after album, picasa icon ....

IMPORTANT The plugin use the native google code. No third party classes, apis and other methides. It is veri lighweight, without any core modification.

Excellent transition gallery

Check official website for live demo Live Demo : Live Demo More Information : More Information User Comments : User Comments Don't just display images in the WordPress website, showcase them in style .........

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You can check other Picasaweb plugins, but they all look pretty bad. Most of them just lead your visitors away from your blog to picasaweb service. They show random stuff or require programming skills to set up. Picasna will do everything for you without this headache. It parses link to your picasa .........

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Official websiteDEMO Demo ...

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