GPS Track on Google Maps

Google Maps where the GPS track was displayed is inserted in a post.GPX File is converted into KML File. "0.3.0" has the major alteration. It is not compatible with the former version.

Off Page SEO

Let's build better websites with Off Page SEO plugin!...

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Analytics of Google: analytics code integration on WordPress website...

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OS Materializecss PopUp

OS Materializecss PopUp is the colorful, responsive, customizable popup plugin for WordPress using materialize css....

Similar: 7%

Google Friend Connect Integration

Using the Google Friend Connect integration plugin for WordPress you can add more social interaction to your blog. Currently you can add a member, login, review, comment and playlist gadget as well as a social bar right away. Note There are many options for expanding the use of Google Friend Connec.........

Similar: 7%


Sie wollen Ihren WordPress Blog in den Suchergebnissen (SERPS) von Google und anderen Suchmaschinen besser platzieren? Dann ist das WordPress SEO Plugin izioSEO genau das richtige fuer Sie. Eine sehr gute OnPage Suchmaschinenoptimierung ist eine wertvolle Grundlage fuer eine hoehere und erfolgreic.........

Similar: 7%

Social Maven

Social Maven makes it easy to add the most popular social media buttons to your site. Social Maven is extremely easy to install and setup. It correctly adds social buttons to your pages, posts and/or custom post types. It also allows you to specify where they will display on the page what buttons w.........

Similar: 7%

Google Sitemaps - Append UTW Tags

This WordPress plugin automatically appends all your blog tags generated by the Ultimate Tag Warrior (UTW) WordPress Plugin onto the end of the Google XML Sitemap (sitemap.xml) file as generated by the Google XML Sitemaps for WordPress Plugin. For example, say you have 60 UTW tags in your blog, and.........

Similar: 7%

KB Easy PicasaWeb

There are many PicasaWeb plugins for WordPress; I counted 8 of them before writing this plugin, and tried using several. (There are now over 50!) Unfortunately, most of them are annoying. Either they have poor documentation, or they require you to insert funny things into your posts, or they are slo.........

Similar: 7%

XML Sitemap & Google News feeds

This plugin dynamically creates feeds that comply with the XML Sitemap and the Google News Sitemap protocol. Multisite and Polylang compatible and there are no files created. Options can be found on Settings > Reading to control which sitemaps, which post and taxonomy types are included, how prio.........

Similar: 7%

Facebook Open Graph, Google+ and Twitter Card Tags

This plugin inserts Facebook Open Graph Tags into your WordPress Blog/Website for more effective and efficient Facebook sharing results. It also allows you to add the Meta Description tag and Name, Description and Image tags for more effective and efficient Google+ sharing results. It a.........

Similar: 7%