Hello In All Languages

Hello In All Languages displays a "hello" word translated to the official language of the country the visitor's IP belongs to.


CoffeeGreet is a WordPress plug-in that will greet your visitors with coffee depending on the hour of the day, by displaying images using the Flickr API. The plug-in will fetch images from Flickr by tags you provide. By default, the plug-in will fetch 10 images (this can be set by the 'shuffle' fiel.........

Similar: 50%

Bonjour Traduction

Bonjour Traduction affiche la traduction de "Bonjour" dans plus de 140 langues différentes et aléatoirement dans votre panneau d'administration. Cette extension existe aussi en Anglais, cliquez-ici pour en savoir plus. Si une traduction que vous connaissez n'apparaît pas dans ce.........

Similar: 29%

Hello Translation

Hello Translate is an extension that displays the translation of "Hello" in over 150 languages in your administrator panel. This extension is also available in French, click here for details. If you know a translation does not appear in this extension or you want to change something, you can contac.........

Similar: 29%

Greet Admin by Time

Replaces default Howdy message with new Greeting depending on time of day. Good Morning, Good Afternoon, and Good Evening are the messages used....

Similar: 20%

Sk Replace Howdy

Allows you to change the greeting message that is at the top of your wp-admin screens...

Similar: 17%


This plugin can be used for Greeting your website users with different messages and images depending on Time of the Day. As an administrator of the website you can adjust Time Settings for Morning,Afternoon,Evening and Night in (0-23) hour clock format.(1 means 1 AM and 13 means 1 PM).With these ti.........

Similar: 15%

Hello Darth

This little plugin is in homage to my geek friends who love to hate Lord Vader. When activated you will randomly see a quote from Darth Vader's IMDB page in the upper right of your admin screen on every page. HT to Matt Mullenberg for the original code....

Similar: 13%

Alex Set Favicon

Alex Set Favicon allows any user to easily set and update their favicon. See http://anthony.strangebutfunny.net/my-plugins/alex-set-favicon/ for help...

Similar: 12%

PluginsTalk Bar (Free)

This plugin is discontinued. Meanwhile you can check our Post Linker wordpress plugin which helps you to generate revenue by interlinking your posts automatically. PluginsTalk Bar is a free & beta version. The plugins displays a stable bar on top of all webpages in your blog. You can use our ba.........

Similar: 10%

Say Hello

Give your visitors a warm velcome! This plugin displays a 'Hello!' in different languages in a widget. Look at it live on Virtual-Sightseeing...

Similar: 9%