
Here makes use of the WordPress Transients API to keep a record of who's currently online. A green dot will appear next to each active user.

BuddyPress Mute

Muting a user results in that member's activity items being removed from the site-wide activity stream. Members can be unmuted at any time. There are many reasons why you might want to mute a person. A friend could be posting too many promotional messages or a former colleague might be regularly ta.........

Similar: 34%


This plugin has been replaced by FT FacePress II. This plugin publishes the title of your post as the status of your Facebook profile. Each WordPress author site can setup his or her own Facebook access. Also, the WordPress post information can be published to a Facebook page for which the WordPress.........

Similar: 20%


This plugin publishes the title, url, and/or excerpt of your post as the status of your Facebook profile and/or Facebook Page....

Similar: 19%

ultimate activity bbpress

SPANISH: Con este plugin podras ver la actividad mas reciente en tu foro, el usuario que la escribio y el contenido, ademas podras ir a editar el tema o la respuesta. Con la versi...

Similar: 17%

WP User Activity

WP User Activity is the best way to log activity in WordPress. Activity can be sorted, filtered, and viewed per-user, along with session data for logged in users and IP addresses & user-agents for others. Activity is broken down into object "Types" and "Actions." Types are the objects being act.........

Similar: 13%

MainWP Child Reports

Note: This plugin requires PHP 5.3 or higher to be activated and is only useful if you are using MainWP and the MainWP Client Reports Extension. Install the MainWP Child Plugin plugin first. The MainWP Child Report plugin communicates changes on your Child sites to the MainWP Client Reports Extens.........

Similar: 13%

WP Cerber

Limit the number of login attempts through the login form, XML-RPC requests or using auth cookies. Restrict access with Black Access List and White Access List. Track user and intruder activity. =How does WP Cerber protect sites?= By default WordPress allows unlimited login attempts either through.........

Similar: 11%

Simple History

Simple History shows recent changes made within WordPress, directly on your dashboard or on a separate page. The plugin works as a log/history/audit log/version history of the most important events that occur in WordPress. Out of the box Simple History has support for: Posts and pages see who ad.........

Similar: 11%

Limit Attempts Booster

Limit Attempts Booster was designed to manage the access to users website and provide bullet proof security to your website. With Limit Attempts Booster, you can limit users attempts to log in to your website and consequently, block the user for a certain period of time. Apart from that, Limit Att.........

Similar: 3%

WP Mingle

The simplest way to turn your WordPress website into a Social Network comparable to Facebook or LinkedIn. Mingle makes it easy to create a social network for your family, church, business or even a premium membership site! Mingle uses your standard WordPress website and standard WordPress theme to c.........

Similar: 3%