Hide Generator Meta Tag

By : zafrira

Hides the wordpress generator meta tag from the HEAD section of your blog view source.

JR Remove Generator Metatag

WordPress itself is a very secure system, but not when you're using an old version. JR Remove Generator Metatag removes the 'generator' metatag that hackers may use for information from wp_head(). Features: Makes your WordPress a little bit safer, especialy when you're using an old(er) version of.........

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wp_head() cleaner

WordPress adds all kinds of <meta>-tags to the <head> section of your site. Some of these tags are quite good and have real uses, others make sense for some sites and others doesn't. Some tags are even considered a security risk, since they tell the world which version of WordPress you'r.........

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WP Remove Header Generator

As the name suggests this plugin will completely remove the mandatory 'Category Base' from your category permalinks ( e.g. <meta name="generator" content="WordPress 3.0.1" /> ). The plugin requires no setup or modifying core wordpress files and will not break any code. This plugins quite simp.........

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Declutter WordPress

This plugin lets you remove some of the default headers, tags and classes that WordPress inserts into your template by default. I personally find that some of them are unnecessary and just waste bandwidth. The plugin currently lets you configure the following: In the head of HTML and XML document.........

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Add to Head

Adds any content (CSS, Javascript, meta, etc...) to the head section of every page of your WordPress site. You control the content by editing a text file, "headContent.php", located at the root level of this plugin's directory. The easiest way to edit the contents of that file is to go to the Editor.........

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Easy WP Meta Description

This plugin lets the user write a separate description for each post, page or custom post type post which is added as a meta description to the html head. The individual description for a post or page is typed and edited in a separate text field just below the text field for editing the post text. .........

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Tags 2 Meta Generator

An extensive WordPress plug-in that generates META tags automatically for your posts! Let it be your post or home page, this little plug-in does it job automatically. The plug-in works in an intelligent manner, META description is generated on the basis of page or post name respectively. Though whe.........

Similar: 34%

Generator Obfuscator

This plugin can be used to change the 'generator' meta tag on your WordPress pages to confuse hackers, script-kiddies, etc. You can choose from a number of common CMS-type products to be listed instead of WordPress, or you can remove the generator meta tag entirely. In addition, the generator me.........

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Header and Footer Scripts Inserter

An easy to use and lightweight WordPress plugin that gives you the ability to easily insert custom scripts (HTML with JavaScript, CSS and else) in the head or/and footer section of your website. No need anymore to editing a files of your theme or plugins in order to add custom scripts (HTML with Ja.........

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Greg's High Performance SEO

NOTE: Please do NOT use the WordPress forums to seek support for this plugin. Support for GHPSEO is handled on our own site. My complete portfolio of 50 plugins, including this one, and also including the new Faster Cache for WordPress is now available for adoption! ...

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