Hook Timer

Hook Timer attaches to the start and end of each action and filter, stores the timestamp, and when the hook finishes, logs the total time spent. If you want to examine why a page is slow or aren't sure where the majority of your page load time is spent, this plugin will show you the most costly hooks in your installation.

Hook Timer appears as a menu option in your admin dashboard, and displays the total time spent in each hook on the previous page load. This allows you to load a particular page that's slow, then to view the results in the admin dashboard immediately after.

Prioritize Hooks

Prioritize Hooks allows the overriding of the priority of various filters and actions hooked by plugins and themes. A list of non-core actions and filters registered before the admin_init action will be shown in the Prioritize Hooks settings page, with the option of overriding the priority of any th.........

Similar: 60%


Simple WordPress plugin that displays WordPress information about the hooks. It only displays do_action and apply_filters hooks. It lists the do_action and apply_filters occurances in every PHP plugin file in every WordPress plugin. No matter if the plugin is activated or not. MU plugins are not inc.........

Similar: 50%

rtPanel Hooks Editor

This plugin is add-on for rtPanel Theme Framework and should be used alongwith it. It adds an option page under rtPanel Theme Options, using which, a user can write codes for various action and/or filter hooks supported by rtPanel Theme Framework Using this plugin a user need not edit any theme fi.........

Similar: 50%

Extract Filters and Actions from Plugins

Extract Filters and Actions lets you choose a WordPress Plugin on your installation (whether active or inactive), and find all references to apply_filters() and do_action() recursively, building output in either a HTML table or PHP array for you to then use in support documentation, personal referen.........

Similar: 43%

WPVN Unload Hooks

This plugin is destined to advanced users. How to use? You just need to activate the plugin. Nothing changes for this release. You have now two additional functions: cr_hook_remove($hooks_to_find = array(), $exact = false, $display = true, $detail = false) cr_hook_list($hookname = array(), $displa.........

Similar: 38%


Webhooks are a simple paradigm for developing instant notifications and mashups based on simple HTTP requests. With HookPress you can set up webhooks so that a specified url(https://wordpress.org/plugins/hookpress/a public service or something you set up) is requested when certain WordPress actions .........

Similar: 34%

WP Hook Finder

WP Hook Finder is your assistant for developing on top of an advanced parent theme, theme framework or high-end WordPress plugin. Hook Finder scans a theme or plugin of your choice and lets you know of any custom actions or filters that have been added and which functions hook on to which actions or.........

Similar: 34%

Simply Show Hooks

Up until now the way theme and plugin developers find where to hook into with their add_action() and add_filter() functions is either to search through the WordPress code base, or find find a reference to the hook in the codex. What Simply Show Hooks does is give you a simpler way to see these hook.........

Similar: 28%

WP Hooks Browser

If you ever wondered what are list of actions & filters a plugin has to offer so that you can hook into them into your theme or which hook might be coming into your way to get desired output and leaving you clueless than this plugin is for you. As a wordpress developer we often come into situat.........

Similar: 28%

Hikari Hooks Troubleshooter

Hikari Hooks Troubleshooter creates a draggable window with informations about WordPress hooks. It lists all hooks (actions and filters) that have at least a function hooked to them, and for each hook there's a list of hooked functions, sorted by priority! The window is visible only to registered u.........

Similar: 17%