How Old Am I

How Old Am I calculates and displays ages in several formats, giving you up-to-date detailed age information which can be added on your posts and pages, without having to constantly update them.

Age Calculator

A quicktag that will calculate the current age of a person/animal/whatever based on it's birthdate. Supports changing the verbiage for year(s) and month(s) plus has a multiplier for animals (such as "in dog years"). Using the quicktag [agecalc birthdate="1978-01-30] will display "31 years" using th.........

Similar: 40%

Age Verify

Whatever your reasons, you may need your site's visitors to confirm their age before viewing the content of your site. Age Verify does just that. It's a simple plugin that lets you specify a minimum age and add an age-gate between a potential visitor and your content, just to be safe. Enjoy!...

Similar: 25%

Age Shortcode

EN: Displays the age of the author. Simply insert shortcode [age] in post or page and the current age is displayed. After activating the plugin, simply enter the date of birth on the profile....

Similar: 20%

Ninja Forms Age Field

This plugin uses date picker field on front-end for adding date of birth, and converts birth date into age number. Input date format must be: mm/dd/yyy Ninja Forms plugin must be install prior Ninja Forms Age Field extension. It simply adds input field with date-picker on front-end, visitor is requ.........

Similar: 15%

Kid Info Widget

Customizable widget with information about your child. Show baby's age, date of birth, weight, length etc. Supports multiple instances. The age is shown in weeks and in number of years, months and days. The options in the widget are: Name is the widget's title. Content is a free form field where .........

Similar: 13%

Old Post Notifier

With Old Post Notifier, you can add a warning to your posts published before a while. Warning message and warning template can be changed optionally....

Similar: 12%

KB Countdown Widget

Ever wanted to track a pregnancy, or the time until the next elections, or your baby's precise age, or something else that will surely fascinate all your readers? Maybe you even wanted a cool bargraph showing how far you've progressed between two dates? Introducing KB Countdown, which does just that.........

Similar: 10%

Countdown Timer

Countdown Timer allows you to setup one or more dates to count down to or away from. Events can be inserted into the sidebar using the widget, or within posts and pages using shortcodes. Currently supports 22 languages....

Similar: 7%

Dashboard Wordcount

Updates the Dashboard's At a Glance widget to show the total word count of all the published posts in this WordPress website (and average word count per post). Also shows the age of the website (time since the oldest post). Uses the default dashboard icons and styling, so it's completely seamless. J.........

Similar: 7%


This plugin provides detailed, aggregate level analytics on your Blog commenters and viewers. How old is your average reader? What social networks do they frequent? Where are they from? BlogHint gives insight into these details and more!...

Similar: 7%