hRecipe Support for Editor

Deprecated version, please use "hRecipe" 0.3 and higher.


hRecipe gives you fast, efficient recipe formatting... with an SEO advantage. Your recipes look good, and people searching for recipes are attracted to Google Rich Snippet recipe display, which can mean better clickthrough to your blog. Make sure to stop by the hRecipe home page: Food Blogging a.........

Similar: 17%

WP Core Editor

The WP Core Editor extension plugin for CJT gives you all the tools for editing WordPress core files. If you need to quickly make changes to your wp-config.php file or adjust some security policies in your .htaccess file, then this plugin can help you....

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PanoPla is a CMS for creating and managing your virtual tours, virtual and augmented reality projects, and annotating huge images. This plugin helps you add that content to your WordPress blog....

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WP-Table Reloaded

Attention: WP-Table Reloaded has been replaced with TablePress! Please do not install WP-Table Reloaded anymore! Instead, please use the TablePress plugin, which is the official successor of WP-Table Reloaded. For users of WP-Table Reloaded, it is recommended to migrate to TablePress. WP-Ta.........

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TinyMce editor Font FIX

This WordPress plugin change the font style, in my opinion, default crappy font size and font family to something better. Its all about being effective and productive. How can you be productive if the default tinyMCE font style is total crap? So here we go, this plugin gonna fix your nightmare. It .........

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Extra Visual Editor Buttons Tinymce Buttons

Simple pugin adds extra buttons like font family, font size, hr and more to the default WordPress Tinymce Visual Editor. Support Me: If you want to support me the developer of the plugin so I can improve this plugin more and add features Please purchase my premium plugin. Thank You. WordPress Popu.........

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Status Change Notifications

If you have a multi-author blog or your website receives a lot of guest post submissions then this plugin will help you inform your users when their posts get published or rejected. Not only that but you can also send notifications to blog owner or to a list of email addresses. It has a really simpl.........

Similar: 9%

Post Snippets

This plugin lets you build a library with snippets of HTML, PHP code or reoccurring text that you often use in your posts and pages. You can use predefined variables to replace parts of the snippet on insert. All snippets are available in the post editor via a button in the Visual and HTML modes. Th.........

Similar: 9%

WP BandCamp

With this plugin you can easily embed a Bandcamp Player into your website using a widget, an editor shortcode or both. You can choose which type of layout you want to use and the colors for background and links for each single player. You can also embed more players just typing different album/t.........

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Syntax Highlight

Syntax Highlighting in WordPress Plugins and Themes Editor....

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