Hyper Cache

Hyper Cache is a cache plugin specifically written to get the maximum speed for your WordPress blog. It can be used in low resources hosting as well on high end servers.

Hyper Cache is purely PHP and works on every blog: no complex configurations are needed and when you deactivate it no stale settings are left around.

Short list of features:

  • Mobile aware: double cache for desktop and mobile site versions
  • HTTPS ready
  • Mobile theme switch option: change the theme on mobile device detection
  • Able to serve expired pages to bots to increase the perceived blog speed by bots
  • Manages compression even on the fly for non cached pages
  • Lots of configurable bypasses: matching cookies, matching urls, user agents, ...
  • Comments aware: is able to serve cached pages even to visitors who commented the blog (perfect for blog with great readers paritipation)
  • Cache folder can be moved outside your blog space to exclude it from backups
  • Controls over cache cleaning on blog events (post edited, comments, ...)
  • Autoclean to controls the cache used disk space
  • CDN support
  • Other special options
  • Response header signature to check the working status

More can be read on the Hyper Cache official page.

You can further optimize the blog installing Autoptimize which cleans up the HTML, minifies and concatenates CSS and JavaScript.

Other plugins by Stefano Lissa:

  • Newsletter
  • Header and Footer
  • Include Me
  • Comment Plus

Lite Cache

New! The Lite Cache technology is now part of Hyper Cache. You should migrate to Hyper Cache, Lite Cache won't be update anymore (other than important fixes). Lite Cache is an ultra efficient cache plugin. It's small and lite because it does only one thing: caching. Lite Cache is compatible with g.........

Similar: 94%

Hyper Cache Clear Link

This plugin just adds a link in admin bar to clear the cache generated by Hyper Cache plugin. The link also shows the number of cached pages. It has no Settings page, no UI, it just displays a new entry in admin bar. Only users that have 'manage_option' capability will see the link (same as Hyper C.........

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WP Performance Score Booster

This plugin speed-up page load times and improve website scores in services like PageSpeed, YSlow, Pingdom and GTmetrix....

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WP Super Simple Speed

Super Simple Speed is a stable and powerful plugin that dramatically increases your WordPress page load speed and gives you a better performance score on the major speed testing services. Unlike most other similar plugins, WP Super Simple Speed is lightweight (less than 20kb in size), and has no clu.........

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Speed Up - Translation

The translations reduces speed of WordPress. For localized WordPress the loading time of translation files accounts for 30% of the entire processing time (less or more 40 milliseconds per page). For each translation file, WordPress unpacks it and then everyone will be converted in an "Translation_.........

Similar: 23%

RS Head Cleaner Lite

This plugin cleans up a number of issues, doing the work of multiple plugins, improving efficiency, security, SEO, and user experience. It removes junk code from the document HEAD & HTTP headers, combines/minifies/caches CSS & JavaScript files, hides the Generator/WordPress Version number, r.........

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Combining HTML "minification" with cache and HTTP compression (WP Super Cache, or similar) will cut down your bandwidth and ensure near-immediate content delivery while increasing your Google rankings. This plugin will compress your HTML by shortening URLs and removing standard comments and whitesp.........

Similar: 17%

Admin Flush W3TC Cache

Adds "Empty All Caches" link to the top of every Admin page. Clicking the link clears all caches and returns you to your current page. No need to go to Performance options anymore, just clear the cache from wherever you are. Requires the W3 Total Cache plugin, so make sure it is installed and activ.........

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AIO Cache & Performance

AIO Cache, a stable and simple cache, minify, and performance solution for those of you looking for solid raw performance and response times. Fast, Powerful, and Effective! Unlike other performance solutions, you don't need to configure AIO Cache. Just install and go. Quick and Simple! Best part i.........

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W3 Total Cache

The only WordPress Performance Optimization (WPO) framework; designed to improve user experience and page speed. Recommended by web hosts like: Page.ly, Synthesis, DreamHost, MediaTemple, Go Daddy, Host Gator and countless more. Trusted by countless companies like: AT&T, stevesouders.com, matt.........

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