iCal for Events Calendar

Creates an iCal feed for Events Calendar.

Based on Gary King's iCal Posts and modifications by Jerome.

Feed will be at http://your-web-address/?ical

iCal for Events Manager

Creates an iCal feed for Events Manager based on Events Calendar plugin by YukataNinja. Based on Gary King's iCal Posts and modifications by Jerome. Currently, the timezone information is hardcoded as Chicago in the ical-ec.php file. The next version will allow editing this from the admin panel .........

Similar: 89%

iCal Events for Multiple iCalendars

I am currently modifying this from my private version to one that is more easily extensible in the admin section. This version may not work right. Not widgetized in this version. Example code. I like to use the Execute PHP Widget to encapsulate this code: Here are the parameters to display two e.........

Similar: 75%

iCal for WP Calendar

Creates an iCal feed with WP Calendar events. The generated file contains iCal / RFC5545 / RFC2445 conform data, which can be imported in several Calendar applications like Outlook, iCal, Google Calendar. WP Calendar 1.5.x and also older versions (like 1.4.x) are supported. Based on iCal for Even.........

Similar: 70%

Event Calendar / Scheduler

An easy to implement event calendar plugin built on top of dhtmlxScheduler that provides an Ajax-based scheduling interface similar to Google Calendar. The plugin allows you to manage single or multiple user events, display any type of events and appointments, and put a list of the upcoming events.........

Similar: 20%

amr ical events lists

Display event lists, big box calendars, upcoming events widgets or small calendar widgets. Encourage viewers to subscribe to or bookmark your events on their calendars. This plugin offers a thorough Ical calendar parser - copes with all the ical recurrence possibilities, and a large part of the res.........

Similar: 20%

Events Planner

Events Planner is a next generation Event Registration Plugin, built with standard WordPress tools (Custom Post Types, Custom Fields, Options), making it extremely powerful and flexible....

Similar: 18%

The Holiday Calendar

This plugin comes as a widget that shows your upcoming events. If you want you can automatically import the holidays from http://www.theholidaycalendar.com. Two views are available: calendar view and list view. If you choose to import the holidays they are fetched from a webservice. This happens a.........

Similar: 16%

Localendar Calendar for WordPress

Thanks for checking out the localendar calendar plugin for WordPress. We have been powering web calendars for thousands of sites for over 13 years, and are pleased to provide a dedicated calendar plugin for WordPress. Why use a slow, stripped-down calendar plugin that offers only a few basic featur.........

Similar: 15%

Events Manager ESS

ESS for Event Standard Syndication is The Events Feed. ESS is a free and open-source XML feed dedicated to describe events. This feed is read by search engines and robot crawlers to index your event pages and forward the web users to the your event URL. EVENTS MANAGER PLUGIN IS REQUIRED TO BE INSTA.........

Similar: 13%

Hypecal Ticketing System for Events Manager

EVENTS MANAGER PLUGIN IS REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED FIRST EVENTS MANAGER - ESS PLUGIN IS REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED FIRST The Hypecal plugin for Events Manager add a ticketing service and a payment interface to your website. Hypecal is a ticketing service that allows you to receive in one click, paymen.........

Similar: 7%