iTrasher by Boolex

By : unknown

iTrasher scans your database for unused images and display them all. The list will then have thumbnails and filenames for admin users to carefully select images and delete permanently.

Upload Janitor

Reclaim disk space and clean up your uploads folder by deleting old uploads you are no longer linking to. This plugin will identify unused files within your uploads folder, and give you the option of archiving then deleting some or all of these files. Before any action is taken, Upload Janitor wil.........

Similar: 43%

Media Manager

Automatically removes all image attachments from posts when not set a featured image. This is still in the alpha stage. Test this plugin on your local development site first to see if the desired effect is met....

Similar: 34%

Delete Thumbnails

Use this plugin to delete ALL thumbnails from your Media Library. This is useful if your site and plugins have changed many times over the past years and accumulated a vast number of thumbnails that are no longer needed. When deleting, thumbnails are deleted at a code level and will be deleted pre.........

Similar: 29%

WordPress Uploaded Files Cleaner

The plugin will help users to detect files that have been loaded in the Media Library and that are not used anymore. Also, automatic resized pictures will be listed. Once files are selected, they will be moved to a new folder so in case of problem, they can be restored. The folder can be excluded fr.........

Similar: 29%

DNUI Delete not used image

Again : Make backups before intence use of this plugin. This plugin will help you to find all image in the database that are not being used/unused and give you the oportunity to cleanup the database and the server space. You will only delete not used/unused image (based in the logic of a blog site.........

Similar: 20%

Mass Delete Unused Tags

Deletes all unused tags, handy tool if you want to start over with a quick clean blog. Coding by: Twitter profile More plugins...

Similar: 19%

TIEmediahelper Media Library Tools

A simple plugin to find files which are stored in the WP uploads folder (and sub-folders) but which have no corresponding entry in the Media Library. The plugin creates a new unattached media record for each file, plus metadata where appropriate. You can then delete leftover files through the norma.........

Similar: 12%

TIEtools Automatic Maintenance Kit

Provides automated post maintenance. TIEtools is ideal for sites with a news feed or other automated posting setup that requires regular hands-off trimming (including autoblogging). Post Expiry Expires published, draft, pending and private posts on demand, based on age, maximum post retention, po.........

Similar: 10%

Clean Up Booster - Optimize DB & WordPress

Clean Up Booster is a Superlative High quality WordPress Plugin which allows you to clean up the WordPress Database. The following things should be clean with the Clean Up Booster, which are mentioned below: Auto Drafts Dashboard Transient Feed Unapproved Comments Orphan Comments Meta Orphan Post.........

Similar: 3%

Quick Featured Images

The plugin is available in English, Spanish (Español), Arabic (العربية) and German (Deutsch)....

Similar: 3%