JJ NextGen Image List

By : unknown

The 'JJ NextGen List' allows you to create an image list as a widget or as a shortcode. This plugin uses the 'NextGen Gallery' plugin for its images.


  • NextGen Gallery Plugin (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/nextgen-gallery/)

NextGen Gallery Integration:

  • This plugin uses the original width and height of the image uploaded so make sure the images are the correct dimensions when uploaded.
  • If a width and height are defined under the configuration all images will be resized to those dimensions=.
  • Alt & Title Text Field: Provide a full url here and the image will link to this. Only works if alt field starts with either of these; /, http, or ftp.
  • Description Field: Will be used as image alt text. If alt text is present but not a valid url alt text will be used instead for image alt text.

You can specify the following parameters:

NOTE: sc means shortcode:

  • Title: Title. Leave blank for no title. (sc: title="My Image List")
  • Gallery: Leave blank to use all galleries or choose a gallery to use. (sc: gallery="galleryid")
  • Order: Order to display results in. You can choose; Random, Latest First, Oldest First, or NextGen Sortorder. Random will still work when a page is cached. (sc: order="random"|"asc"|"desc"|"sortorder")
  • Shuffle: If order is random and this is true will shuffle images with javascript. Useful if your are caching your pages. (sc: shuffle="true"|"false")
  • Orientation: Can pick vertical or horizontal defaults to vertical. (sc: orientation="vertical"|"horizontal")
  • Max pictures: The maximum amount of pictures to use. (sc: max_pictures="6")
  • HTML id: HTML id to use. Defaults to 'image_list'. Needs to be different for multiple instances on same page. (sc: html_id="image_list")
  • Image width: All images with be assigned this width. (sc: width="200")
  • Image height: All images with be assigned this height. (sc: height="150")
  • Image gap: Gap between images. (sc: gap="5")
  • Center: Centers content in container. Requires width to be set. (sc: center="1")

Shortcode Examples:

  • [jj-ngg-image-list html_id="about-image-list" gallery="1" width="200" height="150"]

Try out my other plugins:

  • JJ NextGen JQuery Slider (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/jj-nextgen-jquery-slider/)
  • JJ NextGen JQuery Carousel (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/jj-nextgen-jquery-carousel/)
  • JJ NextGen JQuery Cycle (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/jj-nextgen-jquery-cycle/)
  • JJ NextGen Unload (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/jj-nextgen-unload/)
  • JJ SwfObject (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/jj-swfobject/)

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