jQuery Notebook

This plugin is use to diaplay a category post as a Digital book style.the basic idea we have takes from jQuery Booklet Plugin.jQuery Notebook plugin also use some css and js file from http://tympanus.net/ .jQuery Notebook plugin have a fixed layout. so you can use this plugin in a full page layout template. For best use please use page template 'notebook-template.php ',which is located in jQuery Notebook plugin folder [wp-content/plugins/jQuery-notebook/notebook-template.php]. Copy and paste this file in your current activated theme folder . Create a page through admin panel, use shortcode[jqnotebook cat="catid"] in content section, where catid is categories id of post and choose 'Notebook' page template. this plugin is besed on jQuery Booklet Plugin . we are still hardly working on it for making more and more flexible for user. demo are here jQuery Notebook

A Page Flip Book

NEW RELEASE : Page Flip Book for WordPress is the easiest way to manage virtual 3D books you can browse with your mouse. This plugin allows you to upload, resize, border and re-order your images. You can also choose background image or texture if you need it. Both Flash AND jQuery animations, iOs c.........

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