Just One Category

Just One Category will cause WordPress to display on a category archive page only those posts which are direct members of that category, i.e. this plugin will exclude from that category page all posts which belong to any of that category's subcategories but do not belong to the category itself.

Categories but exclude

A simple plugin that displays a list of all categories except those selected in widget preferences. Unlike other similar plugins like "Almost All Categories Widget", Categories but exclude uses the latest version of WordPress Widget API, which is multi-widget, which lets you use the wigdet more than.........

Similar: 40%

Category Excluder Widget

A simplistic plugin that allows for the furthur customization of your category list. This will allow you to create a custom category list which will show the categories you want, and will hide the categories you do not want. For example, say you have a particular category you don't want to be displa.........

Similar: 40%

Simple Yearly Archive

Simple Yearly Archive is a rather neat and simple WordPress plugin that allows you to display your archives in a year-based list. It works mostly like the usual WP archive, but displays all published posts seperated by their year of publication. That said, it’s also possible to restrict the output t.........

Similar: 25%

Ultimate Category Excluder (Beta)

Ultimate Category Excluder (Beta), abbreviated as UCE, is a WordPress plugin that allows you to quickly and easily exclude categories from your front page, archives, feeds, and searches. Just select which categories you want to be excluded, and UCE does all the work for you! The Beta version is exa.........

Similar: 23%

Ultimate Category Excluder

Ultimate Category Excluder, abbreviated as UCE, is a WordPress plugin that allows you to quickly and easily exclude categories from your front page, archives, feeds, and searches. Just select which categories you want to be excluded, and UCE does all the work for you!...

Similar: 23%

MM-Breaking News

This plugin gives you possibility to create bullet lists for your posts. You can choose as many lists as you want and for each list you can select categories to include or to exclude posts. Your posts can be randomized or sord by date. With title you can chose to show date or number of comments. L.........

Similar: 23%

History Manager

Tired of having your post history taking up your entire sidebar? With History Manager, all of the activity and archives of your blog are displayed in one widget that allows visitors to unfold whatever they want to see and hide what they don't care about. The widget will display correctly with or wi.........

Similar: 15%

WP htaccess Control

WP htaccess Control should now really be called WP htaccess and Rewrite Control. It provides an interface to customize the htaccess file generated by WordPress but also its permalinks (author, category, archives, pagination and custom taxonomies). Have a look at the screenshot for a clearer idea of .........

Similar: 15%

Archive Posts Sort Customize

Easily settings interface and available sort to home, date archives, category/tag/taxonomy archives, search....

Similar: 14%

Evolution Sidebar Box

Creates a new and simple to use widget that adds a sidebar box with recent posts, last comments, categories, popular posts, a tag cloud and the archives to the sidebar. No Options. This widget is perfect for light-colored themes....

Similar: 14%