LCT Admin Bar on Bottom

By : ircary

This plugin sticks the Admin Bar to the bottom of your screen! You can choose to make this change on the front-end, back-end or both

Also Available in lct-useful-shortcodes-functions

Custom Admin-Bar Favorites

Allows admins other users with a specially-defined user-capability to define a custom menu on the admin-bar of his or her favorite shortcuts....

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Plugins and Themes in Admin Bar

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WP Custom Admin Bar

A really simple and easy to use plugin to help gain control of the new Admin Bar. This gives you options to change who sees the Admin Bar based on their user role, change or override the default styling or remove the Admin Bar altogether. It adds a menu to the Admin Bar which gives you the ability .........

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Restrict Dashboard Access

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Window Width

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WP Mini Admin Bar

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Unobtrusive Admin Bar

When activated the plugin will make the admin bar hidden from sight for signed in users, but you can still have access to the features. Simply move the cursor to the top of your website and the admin bar will appear. Now you can keep the accessibility of the WordPress admin bar without compromising .........

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AG Custom Admin

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The Bar Steward

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Hide Toolbar Plugin

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