Less.js for WordPress

LESS extends CSS with dynamic behavior such as variables, mixins, operations and functions. LESS runs on both the client-side (IE 6+, Webkit, Firefox) and server-side, with Node.js.

For more information visit http://lesscss.org

For how to use LESS CSS view this tutorial


This plugin helps you to build and maintain your website with LESS. LESS is a dynamic stylesheet language. LESS extends CSS with dynamic behavior such as variables, mixins, operations and functions. This plugin is build with: LESS.php Profits No extra checks (server time) to load your lastest CS.........

Similar: 50%

WP Less Compiler

This plugin has everything you need to run LESS in development and convert it to CSS for production. Have an issue? This plugin is a work in progress, and we'd love your feedback. The official plugin repository is hosted on GitHub. Look here for the most up to date development versions. You can .........

Similar: 40%


LESS-CSS is a powerful CSS pre-processor that lets you simplify and speed up CSS development and extend existing CSS functionality. The #BW LESS-CSS plugin integrates the .LESS language into WordPress and adds a simple admin interface to easily attach LESS stylesheets to your theme. For more a.........

Similar: 40%

Live css

Edit CSS and LESS with auto-complete live on the frontend and on any page using this easy to use plugin. All changes are saved and if LESS is present it will be compiled automatically. Ever wanted to make a small adjustment fast and easy? Than this is the plugin for you. You can add and edit css an.........

Similar: 40%

Custom Bootstrap Editor

Add Twitter's Bootstrap CSS with LESS editor to your site. Contribute! If you have suggestions for a new feature or improvement, feel free to contact us on Twitter. Alternatively, you can fork the plugin from Github....

Similar: 34%

Simple Minify

(based on Assets Minify by Alessandro Carbone) How many times have you wished to minify in a clean way all the stylesheets and scripts of a WordPress website? Simple Minify takes every CSS and JS asset included using wp_enqueue_style() and wp_enqueue_script() and Merges+Minifies them. You can als.........

Similar: 25%

WordPress Dynamic CSS

WordPress Dynamic CSS is a lightweight library for generating CSS stylesheets from dynamic content (i.e. content that can be modified by the user). The most obvious use case for this library is for creating stylesheets based on Customizer options. Using the special dynamic CSS syntax you can write.........

Similar: 23%

Tuxedo CSS Editor

Edit CSS/Sass/Less and watch it update in realtime with the customizer....

Similar: 23%

Advanced Media Downloader

The plugin makes it possible to download files from the media library and resize, crop, mask, blur it on the fly. It also has a nice option to download all your less, javascript or css files in a combined file. After installation you can download all files from the media library by the following ur.........

Similar: 19%

MeliBu WP Syntax High Lighter

The Melibu WP Syntax High Lighter is a Multi Syntax Highlighter, mark your syntax for PHP, HTML, CSS (LESS, SASS), JS (AJAX, jQuery), PERL and many more. More options and settings comes with the other versions. Check it out...! FREE Functionality: Multi Highlighting Codeing in WP Te.........

Similar: 13%