LH Add Headers

A 304 Not Modified HTTP Header tells your visitors that nothing has changed since their last visit. This is important as without this header visitors may be downloading your webpages from scratch each time, slowing down their experience and your site.

Generally if you do not pass 304 Not Modified HTTP Header through your HTTP header, crawlers will fetch your whole website and then compare the content of your site with the already indexed content to check whether anything new has been updated on your website or not. But this process consumes a lot of your server resource and bandwidth.

You can know more about it here.

If Modified Since HTTP Header

As per Google Webmaster Guidelines, all website should have a 304 If Modified Since HTTP Header so that crawlers can check when is the last time the page or post has been updated. Generally if you do not pass 304 If Modified Since HTTP Header through your HTTP header, crawlers will fetch your whole .........

Similar: 84%

Add Headers

Adds the ETag, Last-Modified, Expires and Cache-Control headers to HTTP responses generated by WordPress for more efficient caching....

Similar: 67%

Browser Caching with .htaccess

With Browser Caching you can tell Browsers when your files usually change, e.g. every month, every week, etc. This will fasten up your website because Browser will only make requests to your Server after the declared time. PageSpeed is a Google Ranking Factor so it is important to have a fast websit.........

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"SEO-HEADERS-Easy" Protocol HTTP 1.1

ENG The plugin allows you to send the Last-Modified and Сache-Сontrol - headers protocol HTTP which sent by the principle: "client - server - client." The absence of certain titles may adversely affect the indexing of your site in search engine or even get banned for incorrectly sent of headers. Th.........

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WP Fastest Cache

Official Web Site You can find more information on our web site (wpfastestcache.com) This plugin creates static html files from your dynamic WordPress blog. When a page is rendered, php and mysql are used. Therefore, system needs RAM and CPU. If many visitors come to a site, system uses lots of R.........

Similar: 19%

Warm Cache

Crawls your website-pages based on any XML sitemap. If you have a caching plugin this will keep your cache warm. Speeds up your site. Compatible with following elements: < sitemap > < url > All urls in your sitemap will be visited by the plugin to keep the cache up to date. Will show av.........

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WP Super Simple Speed

Super Simple Speed is a stable and powerful plugin that dramatically increases your WordPress page load speed and gives you a better performance score on the major speed testing services. Unlike most other similar plugins, WP Super Simple Speed is lightweight (less than 20kb in size), and has no clu.........

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SiteTree is a lightweight and user-friendly tool that lets you add to your WordPress site a human-readable Google (Image) Sitemap for search engines and/or a customisable Archive Page (or HTML5 Compliant Site Map) for your visitors in no time. To learn more, visit SiteTreePlugin.com...

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WP Optimize By xTraffic

Plugin WP Optimize By xTraffic automatically optimizes your WordPress site more useful and powerful through the special features. Everything is done completely automatically, and you can change the options from the administration settings panel....

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Optimize Plugin

Optimize plugin deletes the unwanted records from trash in a wordpress site. For guides and tutorials, visit Smackcoders Documentation under Optimize. This plugin will remove orphaned Post/Page Meta,unassigned tags,Post/Page revisions,auto drafted Post/Page, Post/Page in trash,Spam Comments,Comment.........

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