Like Posts & Comments

This plugin provides 4 new template tags to display some informations/actions about posts and comments. This template tags have to be called within the loop : wp_postlike(); : Return a link to like or unlike a post wp_commentlike(); : Return a link to like or unlike a comment wp_nb_postlike(); : Return a text to display the number of like for the current post wp_nb_commentlike(); : Return a text to display the number of like for the current comment

VD Likes

vd likes is a like or unlike to perticular post ,page or anything! It provides IP based like unlike system. You can set only register user can give liking system from admin panel....

Similar: 67%

WP Like Dislike

This is WP Like Dislike. It allow the visitors to like or dislike the post of your website. There are many more feature what you may not find in any other....

Similar: 34%

Voter Plugin

Voter plugin adds voting options for pages, posts, custom post types, comments, BuddyPress activity, groups, member profiles, WooCommerce products, bbPress topics and posts, and more. Adds a recommendation system on your wordpress blog site: Supports posts, pages, custom post types and comments. .........

Similar: 25%

BAW Like Unlike

Add boutons for "Like" or "Unlike" (can be set up) your posts and pages. Buttons are fully customizable !...

Similar: 23%

BuddyPress Wall

BuddyPress Wall (BP-Wall) turn your Buddypress Activity Component to an activity stream similar to a Facebook “Wall”. When you install BP-Wall, the members can post status, updates and reply on each other’s walls. BP-Wall turn the Favorite/Unfavorite module of Buddypress to a facebook “I Like/Unli.........

Similar: 20%

Like DisLike Voting

Get like-dislike rating for your content. You can use the plugin to allow your user for rating as Like or Dislike to your content. It also counts and shows number of Like and Dislike hit. In dashboard you will find plugin option for placement of Like-Dislike button and also you can control voting t.........

Similar: 12%

Custom facebook widget pro

Custom facebook widget pro plugin display facebook page time line post on your WordPress website. A simple widget which lets you add your latest facebook page post in site widget area. Get started in just a give your facebook page id and easily display your page posts on your website. if you have .........

Similar: 5%

Social Sharing Buttons (Optimized)

We can’t imagine a site without Social Sharing buttons. It’s must and absolutely required. This plugin adds Social Sharing buttons after each post: without any JavaScripts without any page loading performance impact Subscribe to Twitter and Facebook to get latest update. Checkout Screenshots | .........

Similar: 5%


DEMO - Displays sample coupons from our "Agency" demo account COUPONS IN DEMAND makes it simple for businesses and marketing agencies to make coupons online and display coupons on their existing business website. If applicable, the business can specify multiple locations where the coupons may redee.........

Similar: 5%

Crunchify Social Sharing

We can’t imagine a site without Social Sharing buttons. It’s must and absolutely required. This plugin adds Social Sharing buttons after each post: without any JavaScripts without any page loading performance impact Supported Sharing Options Facebook Twitter Buffer Pinterest Google+ Email Su.........

Similar: 5%