Limit Blogs Per User

This is a plugin for wpmu/wpmu+byddypress powered websites, where network administrators can limit the number of blogs a user can signup. It is pretty simple and adds an option to NetworkAdmin->Dashboard->network settings page, where you can limit the number of blogs. No additional frills required.

What It does

It adds an option to the Network settings page when you are logged in as site admin of the wpmu site(or wpmu+buddyppress site),Look at the bottom of options page,and You will see a text box like this asking for number of blogs allowed per user.If you set it to zero(which is the default),It will not restrict the blog registration then.

Switch Theme

Switch Theme allows WordPress Network Administrators to switch all the themes on their WordPress installation to a different theme in only a few clicks. This is particularly useful if you have large network of blogs which you wish to switch to a new version of your theme. If you find this plugin u.........

Similar: 50%

WPMU copy options

You can edit and clone any options of one blog and copy this items to the other blogs in multisite installation...

Similar: 43%

Ban Hammer

We've all had this problem. A group of spammers from are registering to your blog, but you want to keep registration open. How do you kill the spammers without bothering your clientele? While you could edit your functions.php and block the domain, once you get past a few bad eggs, you hav.........

Similar: 43%

Author Avatars List

This plugin makes it easy to display lists of user avatars on your (multiuser) blog. It also allows to insert single avatars for blog users or any email address into a post or page. (Great for displaying an image of someone you're talking about.) Avatar lists can be inserted into your sidebar by ad.........

Similar: 20%

jonimo Simple Redirect

jonimo simple redirect helps your users with different roles get to the right place when they login or logout of your WordPress, WooCommerce or BuddyPress site. Set any url( or external) to redirect users to on login or logout. Redirect .........

Similar: 13%

Picasa and Google Plus Express

Browse your Google+/Picasa Web albums and select images or whole albums to insert into your posts/pages. Use your Google user to access your photos and albums Private album access after granting access via Google auth service Select albums / images from GUI listing by album cover and name Mobile g.........

Similar: 10%

Photo Express for Google

Browse your Google+/Picasa Web albums and select images or whole albums to insert into your posts/pages. This is an unofficial fork of Picasa Express 2. The fork has been necessary because the authentication for private photo albums of "Picasa and Google Plus Express" has been broken since April 2.........

Similar: 9%

YD Network-wide Options

This plugin has been thoroughly tested and is fully compatible with WordPress 3.0x multisite or with WPMU 2.9. This plugin was originally named YD WPMU Sitewide Options. The name has been changed with version 3.0 to match WordPress 3.0 vocabulary and concepts. Backwards compatibility with WordPress.........

Similar: 8%

LessButtons Social Sharing and Statistics

LessButtons automatically display sharing buttons for those social networks, where visitor registered and logged in. Support automated detection and display buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Reddit, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki. 100+ more social networks and bookmark services.........

Similar: 2%

WPVKP Custom Login Page

This easy to use plugin gives you the power to convert the boring wordpress login page with much more attractive and personalized login page. This plugin helps to improve your brand authority and also helps to improve user experince. Now can customize the logo, the background, the login button and v.........

Similar: 2%