
By : , Namely

Links2Tabs plugin automatically generates the list of references at the bottom of each post and/or page and bundles them into handy links by Links2Tabs services that open all references with one click.

For installation please see the corresponding section. It is as trivial as copying the plugin folder in your WordPress.

To get the flavour of what the plugin actually does, see the screenshots and/or a demo page.

Once installed and activated, the plugin will work automatically. If you would like to fine-tune some bits, just go to the plugin's settings page (WP Admin -> Settings -> Links2Tabs).

The plugin offers the following options.

List of references

Generates a list of links used in a post. This can be used to create a list of references like those in scientific publications. Add [lor] at the end of your post (or wherever you want the list of references) and add a title attribute to all links which should appear in the list. E.g. <a href="h.........

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