Local Time

Displays post and comment date and times in the visitor's timezone using Javascript. No theme modifications are needed.

Heavily based on code from the P2 theme by Automattic.


Check out one of my sites to try it yourself. All of the dates and times on the site are GMT+0 but will be displayed in your timezone once the page is fully done loading.

Localize WordPress

This plugin allows you to switch your WordPress installation to use any of the languages available on GlotPress Some of the features: No gettext compiler required! Does all the dirty work from editing wp-config.php to downloading the right files Can switch between versions. Available: stable and .........

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http://ideasilo.wordpress.com/bogo/ Bogo is a straight-forward multilingual plugin for WordPress. The core of WordPress itself has the built-in localization capability so you can use the dashboard and theme in one language other than English. Bogo expands this capability to let you easily build a .........

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Localize Time

This WordPress plugin adds the [localize_time] shortcode. The shortcode allows an author to enter a date and time in any timezone. The shortcode displays the original time with timezone, followed by the same time in the user's timezone, formatted correctly for the user's locale. This is useful for a.........

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Language Fallback

Starting with WordPress 4.3, you can use languages such as "Deutsch (Sie)" (formal German) in your WordPress installation. But if the themes or plugins you are using do not have a translation file for this language, WordPress would use the default language, usually English, instead. With the help of.........

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R3DF Dashboard Language Switcher

This plugin allows logged in users to select the language they would like to use when viewing the WordPress dashboard. It works with multisite and single site installs of WordPress....

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User Time Zone

The "User Time Zone" plugin allows users to set their personal time zone on their profile page and view it on the frontend accordingly. Date and local time will be displayed on the frontend according to the personal time zone set-up by means of this plugin. By default WordPress doesn't have such abi.........

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Analog Clock Widget

Analog Clock Widget plugin allows you to create an unlimited number of different analog clocks. The plugin based on SVG Raphaƫl - JavaScript Library. To be able to add any time zone, you need to have a username in geonames.org. Read more on http://plugins.mcnika.com/analog-clock-widget-documentati.........

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Local Time Clock

Display a clock on your sidebar set automatically to your location's timezone. Select from a choice of clocks, colors and sizes. A wide range of analog and digital clocks. See screenshots tab or designs shown in localtimes.info/getwidget Choice of size, colors of text, border and background, Autom.........

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YouTubeR by Maxio lab.

The plugin allows you to upload your videos on YouTube from your website and embed YouTube videos to your website. If you posting your videos on your WordPress site you don't neet to go to YouTube website, you can upload your videos directly on YouTube from your website admin panel. And also you can.........

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Here are a few recently added features (even more features below): YouTube Channel and Playlist Gallery - The ability to make playlist (and channel) embeds have a gallery layout. By default, the plugin can generate a grid-based responsive playlist or channel gallery >>. Your visitors can bro.........

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