Location "Nav Menu" for ACF

By : psd2html

Unleash the full power of the ACF PRO plugin to extend WordPress menu functionality. With this add-on, you can display custom fields of different types directly under general menu field items while editing your menu in the admin panel.

Advanced Custom Fields Compatibility

This add-on works smoothly with version 5+.

Advanced Custom Fields: Nav Menu Field

Add Navigation Menus to Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) with the Nav Menu Field plugin! This plugin adds the Nav Menu Field type to ACF (version 5 & 4), allowing you to select from the menus you create in the WordPress Admin backend to use on your website's frontend. Using ACF, you can set the Nav.........

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Menu Section Titles

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Menu Icons

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EZY Nav Menu

Update 13 Sept 2010: As of WordPress 3.0 this plugin has become a bit redundant because WordPress has built in some pretty cool menu creation features. This plugin still works and should do so in future versions of WP so you can still use it if you like this way of doing it. To learn more about the .........

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Menu Item Visibility Control

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Font Awesome 4 Menus

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Country Specific Menu Items

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WordPress Menu Vertical

Folder menu is a vertical dynamic menu with nice flash effects. It will make your website navigation modern stylish and easy. Free to try! WordPress vertical menu Folder Menu Vertical is a flash dynamic menu module for your WordPress 3.0+ website, designed to meet your needs and preferences. Demo.........

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