lorem shortcode

The plugin contains two shortcodes, [lorem] and [loremimage], the [loremimage] shortcode can be nested in the [lorem] shortcode. The shortcodes generates dummy text and image when needed.

Lorem Ipsum and Place Holder Image Generator

I'm not sure when you will ever need to use it but here are two simple to use shortcodes that will generate Lorem Ipsum and a Place Holder image. The shortcode [loremipsum] uses loripsum.net API. It is easy to set the options as well. Add the paragraph attribute to change how many paragraphs are d.........

Similar: 67%

Lorem ipsum dummy article shortcode

This shortcode plugin does not simply generate dummy text but tries to mimic what a WordPress page or post might look like in real life. This includes paragraphs, commas, headings, hyperlinks and images. The output is easily adjustable through the shortcode attributes. The generated code is also see.........

Similar: 58%

WP Lipsum

WP-Lipsum includes a collection of template fragments representing lots of common page types, from simple lorem ipsum paragraphs to demos of the WP comment system, and more. It works via a simple shortcode or template tag....

Similar: 50%

Hide products count

Hide products count in category view in WooCommerce...

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Lazy Lorem Ipsum

Adds a couple of lorem ipsum paragraphs to any blank page or post....

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Dummy Text Shortcode

Allows for dummy text to be placed in a post / page with the [dummy] shortcode. Can easily be removed when no longer needed....

Similar: 34%


Tired of searching for lorem ipsum text every time you want to toss in some dummy text while developing a site or showing concepts to a client? ALL THE IPSUMS generates lorem ipsum with 7 easy shortcodes (with room to grow!). Pick from the following 7 shortcodes to get started with your placeholder.........

Similar: 34%


Lipsum is a highly configurable plugin that generates shortcode that'll permit you to display dummy Latin (and non Latin) Lorem ipsum text in posts/pages with shortcode. Features include: Generator shortcode (via the admin control panel) with the appropriate options that you can cut and paste int.........

Similar: 34%

Lorem Ipsum Generator by Webline

Lorem Ipsum by Webline is an easy to use plugin with Lorem Ipsum Shortcode Generator to generate dummy text using dynamic shortcode that you can use in any posts and pages. This plugin uses Lorem Ipsum API (http://loripsum.net/api) to fetch lorem ipsum text which is free. No need of authentication.........

Similar: 25%

Lorem Ipsum Generator Shortcode

Using this plugin you can generate lorem ipsum dummy text using shortcodes in your posts and pages. This plugin is a wordpress version of http://loremipsum-generator.com/ tool....

Similar: 24%