Lyza Loop

Lyza Loop is a WordPress plugin for theme developers and template-savvy folks that aims to:

  • Dramatically shorten the time required to code custom loops
  • Modularize custom loop markup using what I hope is a straightforward templating process
  • Provide convenient batching variables
  • Respect the context in which the custom loop is called and put everything back the way it was (e.g. global $wp_query and $post objects)
  • Reduce tedious and duplicated code for custom loops

There are two parts to the lyza_loop() function:

  1. Finding posts (or pages): extending query_posts()lyza_loop() takes any argument WordPress’ own query_posts() takes
  2. Rendering relevant posts or pages: using “loop templates.” A loop template is a PHP file with markup (and logic) you’d like to use for each post/page in the loop.

Read more on the plugin home page

Inject Query Posts

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