Magic the Gathering Card Tooltips

The plugin adds a button in the visual post editor. To use it, just select the text that represents a Magic the Gathering card name and click the button. The card name will be enclosed in [mtg_card][/mtg_card] tags (or the shorthand [c][/c] tag). When viewing the post, the card name will show up as a link to the card's page on . Hovering over the link will show the card's image in a tooltip.

A similar tag can be used to quickly create deck listings: [mtg_deck][/mtg_deck] (or the shorthand [d][/d]). A deck listing should contain a list of cards and categories. All cards have a number before their name. All other lines are interpreted as category names. Do not include card numbers on the category name lines, they will automatically be computed and displayed by the plugin. A short example follows.

The default style for displaying decks is a card listing with each card having a mouseover tooltip. This style can be changed to an embedded view, where the listing has a card image to the right of the deck. This can be toggled in the plugin settings for all decks, or specifically for a deck by setting the style attribute to the tag, as can be seen below.

[d title="Really Small Deck" style="embedded"]
    2 Bloodbraid Elf
    4 Grizzly Bears

    4 Lightning Bolt

    4 Cultivate

The screenshot section includes an image of the above deck listing.

MTGPulse deckbox embedding tool

The plugin adds any number of Magic: The Gathering deckboxes from to your wordpress site. The syntax for adding a deckbox is as follows: [deckbox did="number" size="small|normal" width="number" bgcolor="hexcolor"] did: Deck id from

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World of Warcraft TCG Card Tooltips

The plugin adds a button in the visual post editor. To use it, just select the text that represents a World of Warcraft card name, and click the button. It will turn the text into a link to the card's page on You cannot see the mouseover tooltips directly in the editor, but when.........

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(English description below German version!)DE Dieses Plugin enthät zwei Shortcodes mit denen man ganz einfach Magic the Gathering Karten oder komplette Magic Decks oder Listen verlinken kann. Die Karten werden mithilfe von MtG-Tutor verlinkt. Enthält Buttons für den Editor, um die .........

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MtG Card Links

The Plugin that PAYS YOU! The Plug-in provides an additional revenue source for your website along with an instantaneous way for you to turn all Magic: the Gathering card names within your blog posts into card information links with Hi-Mid-Low pricing! Just type up your entire post an.........

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Duels of Champions TCGBrowser Card Tooltips

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WoW TCGBrowser Card Tooltips

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TCG Card Links

The goal of this Plug-in is to provide an instantaneous way for you to turn all Magic: the Gathering card names within your blog posts into card information links with Low-Mid-Hi pricing! from over 30 of the internets cheapest vendors! click the "MTG Card Shortcode" button to genrate shortcode for l.........

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