MailPoet Jigoshop Add-on

This plugin requires MailPoet plugin and Jigoshop plugin.

This simple plugin adds a checkbox on checkout page for your customers to subscribe to your MailPoet newsletters.

MailPoet Paid Memberships Pro Add-on

This plugin requires MailPoet plugin and Paid Memberships Pro plugin. Adds a checkbox on checkout page for your customers to subscribe to your MailPoet newsletters....

Similar: 72%

MailPoet Gravity Forms Add-on

This plugin requires MailPoet plugin and Gravity Forms plugin. This simple plugin adds a new field for you to allow your visitors to subscriber to your MailPoet newsletters....

Similar: 72%

MailPoet bbPress Add-on

This plugin requires MailPoet plugin and bbPress plugin. Enables your new forum members to subscribe to a newsletter while registering on the forum. Requires the use of [bbp-register] shortcode....

Similar: 72%

MailPoet WooCommerce Add-on

This plugin extension requires MailPoet and WooCommerce. This small extension adds a checkbox on the checkout page allowing your customers to subscribe to your newsletter as they make their purchase....

Similar: 50%

Jigoshop Video Product Tab

Extends Jigoshop to allow you to add a Video to the Product page. An additional tab is added on the single products page to allow your customers to view the video you embeded....

Similar: 28%

Jigoshop Photos Product Tab

Extends Jigoshop to allow you to display all images attached to a product in a new tab on the single product page. Select the size of the images to display from Thumbnail to Full Size and enable the use of Lightbox....

Similar: 25%

Ninja Forms - MailPoet

This extension integrates Ninja Forms with MailPoet by providing an option to add users who submit a form to an existing newsletter. Great for signing up people to auto responders....

Similar: 25%

Mailpoet - Contact Form 7 Integration

MailPoet is a free newsletter and post notification plugin for WordPress that makes it really simple to send out email newsletters to your subscription lists. This plugin integrates Contact Form 7 with MailPoet by providing an option for your customers to signup for your newsletter lists while submi.........

Similar: 23%

Content Email Unlocker

Content Email Unlocker allows you to block content for people who are not subscribed to newsletter. To unlock content the user has to enter their email address. You can set the confirmation e-mail address. If user is already registered, the content will show without sending confirmation. Go to set.........

Similar: 20%

Leaky Paywall - MailPoet

This plugin allows you to choose which MailPoet list you would like to add a new subscriber to when someone pays and subscribes using zeen101's Leaky Paywall plugin. You can also choose which MailPoet list an expired subscriber demotes to, preserving their email address for future use. More info at.........

Similar: 17%