Map Categories To Attachment

A wordpress plugin that allows you to add categories to attachments. Similar to, but just allows you to set the attachment's category.

Map Categories to Attachment displays the category box on the "Edit Attachment" page. By default, Every attachment in wordpress is mapped to the default category but this plugin gives the option to select categories for an attachment.

Built by The Marketing Mix Perth:

Comment Images Reloaded

The plugin monitors technical issues, which reduce number of queries to the database and the size of the page with hundreds of comments. CIR (Comment Images Reloaded) позволяет прикреплять фотографии или другие изображения к каждому комментарию. Плагин учитывает технические моменты, без соблюдения.........

Similar: 50%

Attachment Taxonomy Support

The Attachment Taxonomy Support provides better support for media and attachments in WordPress versions before WordPress 3.5+. In versions of WordPress subsequent to 3.5 it just registers 'attachment_category' and 'attachment_tag' taxonomies....

Similar: 42%


Extensive usage instructions are available on GitHub Attachments allows you to simply append any number of items from your WordPress Media Library to Posts, Pages, and Custom Post Types....

Similar: 25%

Easy Attachments

THIS PLUGIN HAS BEEN ABANDONED! If you are a developer and would like to fork, feel free to do so. No need to contact me. Easy Attachments gives the ability to append any number of files to your pages and posts. It includes customization to include in your theme and support for short codes....

Similar: 24%

EWWW Image Optimizer Cloud

EWWW Image Optimizer Cloud is a WordPress plugin that will automatically optimize your images as you upload them to your blog. It can optimize the images that you have already uploaded, convert your images automatically to the file format that will produce the smallest image size (make sure you read.........

Similar: 23%

WP Smart Image II

WP Smart Image II is a WordPress plugin which gives you a whole control over the thumbnails that you wish to show with posts and pages (e.g. the index of a website). This plugin combines the best image management functionalities in WordPress and turn their handling in a very easy job....

Similar: 23%

WP Smush

All new massively improved smushing! Try now for a completely new, incredibly powerful, and 100% free image smushing process, brought to you by the team at WPMU DEV! WP Smush strips hidden, bulky information from your images, reducing the file size without losing quality. The faster your site lo.........

Similar: 16%

WP-Filebase Download Manager

WP-Filebase is an advanced file download manager for WordPress. It keeps Files structured in Categories, offers a Template System to create sortable, paginated File Lists and can sideload Files from other websites. The Plugin is made for easy management of many Files and consistent output using Temp.........

Similar: 15%

Quick Featured Images

The plugin is available in English, Spanish (Español), Arabic (العربية) and German (Deutsch)....

Similar: 7%

Contact Form Generator

Contact Form Generator is a powerful contact form builder for WordPress! It is structured for creating Contact Forms, Application Forms, Reservation Forms, Survey Forms, Contact Data Pages and much more. You will get ready-to-use forms just after installation. Contact Form Generator is packed with.........

Similar: 3%