MarcTV Twitch Menu Status

Adds an "Live!" menu item to the primary navigation if the selected twitch tv channel is actively broadcasting.

Simple Twitch.TV Widget

The Simple Twitch.TV Widget is exactly what the name implies. It is a very straight-forward, easy to use, and configurable front-end widget generator. The entirety of what the widget does, is show if a user is online or not. If the user in question is online, it will give a preview of their stream a.........

Similar: 34%

Team Broadcast Status List

Team Broadcast Status List for Twitch displays the current online/offline status of a group of twitch accounts. It will display it in a nice list style similar to friend lists within gaming applications. You can easily enter as many twitch channel names to follow as you would like. When the user .........

Similar: 29%

Bait Stream for Twitch TV

Alert visitors to your live Twitch stream with an unobtrusive popup alert. Please note - this plugin will ONLY display an alert when your Twitch.TV stream is active!...

Similar: 16%


For all you fellow tweeple, this is the plugin for you. Sure, there are tons of Twitter WordPress plugins already out there, but Tweeple gives you a more ThemeBlvd-ish approach to things. Note: This plugin does NOT require a theme with Theme Blvd framework. This is a plugin for all tweeple!...

Similar: 10%

WP Server Status

This plugin will display the online/offline status of defined server in your sidebar. This idea was born in case of setting up dedicated trackmania servers and I want to show the actually stats for the blog visitors / clan members. The plugin is easy to configure and easy to use. Now with Trackmani.........

Similar: 10%

Rainbow Status

Let Rainbow Status help you visually manage your WordPress publishing.Install Rainbow Status to get separate background colors for Draft, Pending, Published, Scheduled and Private posts/pages.Small plugin, big impact. Follow the developer on Twitter Visit Developer Website Download My Other Plugin.........

Similar: 10%


MCstatus is a WordPress Widget that enables you to show data from a Minecraft server. It basen on Minestatus (jeroenweustink) WordPress widget. It uses the PHP-Minecraft-Query class (Pavel xPaw) to get server data. Show parameters are: Server status: online/offline Server name Server.........

Similar: 10%

WP Status Notifier

WP Status Change Notifier allows you to notify selected users when posts' status are changed. What it does: Notify selected users when new posts are awaiting for approval Notify contributors when posts are approved or refused ...

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All you need to do, to install our widget on your blogs or sites, then any change in your personal status via TagFor.Me will automatically be shown on all of your blogs....

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WooCommerce Plivo SMS notifications

This Plivo plugin for WordPress WooCommerce makes sending SMS status notifications easy. Your customers will love it. Current features: Auto send status updates Send a test SMS Add opt-in/opt-out on checkout Edit status SMS notifications Send an SMS from the order page WPML compatible ...

Similar: 10%