Markdown Highlighter

By : sohelamin


  • Markdown Parser
  • Syntax Highlighter
  • Syntax Highlighter can work without markdown format also
  • Highlightjs with github style included

Smart Syntax

Smart Syntax plugin automatically adds Google prettify syntax highlighting to the fenced code blocks in both content and comments. It's made with Jetpack markdown in mind, which brings the power of markdown extra to WordPress and gives you an easy to use markdown syntax for fenced code blocks. For.........

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Mytory Markdown

This plugin get markdown file path on dropbox public link or github raw content url. It convert markdown file to html, and put it to post content....

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Parse the_content with Parsedown Extra to display Markdown Extra content in HTML parser....

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Markdown Formatter

The plugin will automatically format and store all posts and pages with Markdown. The formats are stored so that the conversion only has to be done once - saving loads of time!...

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Markdown Text

This plugin allows users familiar with the Markdown syntax to use it from within the sidebar. Its chief benefit is that it allows users who are unfamiliar with HTML, to get many of the benefits of a robust markup language, which is easier to learn and read back....

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WMD Admin

WMD_Admin is a Worpdress plugin which makes WMD the default posts editor in the admin interface. More I'm Thomas Pelletier / and thi.........

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This plugin allows you to export your posts, pages, authors, tags and categories into a markdown file based content structure for Currently following content types are supported pages posts authors Following meta data is supported: publish data published status authors categories .........

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Harrix MarkdownFile

Harrix MarkdownFile is a plugin to display Markdown files with syntax highlighting in WordPress....

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CodeColorer comaptiblity with "Markdown for WordPress and bbPress"

This plugin automatically wraps Markdown code blocks (indented by 4 spaces or a tab) in CodeColorer tags. You can also specify what language the given snippet uses, by using the following syntax: :ruby: class Foo < Bar end That is, the name of the language, as you'd use it when cre.........

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Syntax Highlighter for WP Editor

An easy to use WordPress plugin that replaces the default Theme and Plugin Source Code Editor with an enhanced editor by a CodeMirror library. The WordPress default Theme Editor (in Appearance => Editor) and Plugin Editor (in Plugins => Editor) is great for doing some custom changes to your Th.........

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