
By : Nishant
  • Marketplaces plugin can be used with Buddypress and BePro Listings for displaying BePro Listings categories as marketplaces on page with shortcode [marketplaces].

  • Whenever any new parent category is added to Be Pro listing will be displayed on page using shortcode [marketplaces].

  • Categories at Be Pro listing can be created/edited and deleted by admin only.

  • Create a Marketplace page to display marketplaces which are business categories added under BePro Listings, use shortcode [marketplaces] on that page and publish it.

  • Whenever any Buddypress member(s) will create/edit a "Member Listing" he/she has the option to choose BePro Listings categories that are already created by admin. If listing is new, admin will have to approve that listing by publishing it, then this listing will appear under Business Category that is assigned to that listing.

Thank you to my friends :

  • Rachana Texeira

  • Dominic Fernandes

  • Upesh Vishwakarma

For everything you do to support and share while development.

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