Mass Pages/Posts Creator


Mass Pages/Posts Creator through which User can create Pages/Posts easily by the simplest interface which provide all the attribute which are necessary while creating a Pages/Posts. One unique functionality added to this plugin is user can also add Postfix & Prefix word for all Pages/Posts which is conman for all. This plugin will include all attribute like status, parent page, template, type, comments status, author, etc.. which will make easy to user while creating Pages/Posts.

Bulk Creator

Bulk Creator is a plugin designed to quickly create a mass amount of posts, pages, or custom post types. You can apply default content, hierarchy and taxonomies to the posts you create. The plugin will automatically detect all custom post types and taxonomies, and no setup is required!...

Similar: 67%

Simple add pages or posts

Plugin to simply add multiple posts or pages at once by entering their titles. Handy tool if you have a new blog and want to quickly add pages like Home, About, Contact ... Coding by: Twitter profile More plugins...

Similar: 29%

BulkPress - Export

Export taxonomies into formatted file compatible with BulkPress or WPEssence Bulk Categories plugin....

Similar: 25%

Easy Bulk Subpage Creator

Allows you to create multiple sub-pages in a batch/bulk manner saving time at any time in your WordPress site. This plugin will give you a startup screen in which you can add as many sub pages in a quick manner and then by clicking one button will create all the sub pages for your selected page as p.........

Similar: 19%

Batch-Move Posts wp plugin

BatchMove is a WP plugin that make it possible to change the category where a post(s) belong to. The main features are: Assign the selected categories to posts. Append the selected categories to posts. Delete the selected categories from posts. Operating manners which come up with people...

Similar: 17%


Most WP features are fully supported: More than 50000 lines can be imported/exported (the only limit is your server) Posts, pages, and custom post types Tags, categories, and custom taxonomies Custom fields (simple and complex) Thumbnails Flexible filter system to easily control which fields exp.........

Similar: 17%

Quick Bulk Post & Page Creator

A handy WordPress plugin for batch creation of posts and pages in your preferred hierarchy. Indispensable tool for WordPress developers....

Similar: 16%


Inline editing of the date, title, author, categories, tags, status and more on both posts and pages without leaving the "Manage" admin sections. No need to load each post or page individually. Simply double-click anywhere in the post or page row and when you're done, press enter. Alternately, you.........

Similar: 14%

WP Social Bookmarking

This plugin will add a image below your posts, allowing your visitors to share your posts with their friends, on FaceBook, Pinterest, Google+, Twitter, Myspace, Friendfeed, Technorati,, Digg, Google, StumbleUpon, and other. After plugin is activated a buttons will appear after the conte.........

Similar: 12%

Quick Featured Images

The plugin is available in English, Spanish (Español), Arabic (العربية) and German (Deutsch)....

Similar: 6%