Meta Keywords & Description

By : unknown

Get tags on every single post (is_single()) and put them in meta keywords tag in header (wp_head()). Otherwise it'll use the keywords define in $default_keywords. Get the_excerpt() and put it in meta description tag in header (wp_head()). Otherwise it'll use the description define in $default_description.

Requires the wp_head() tag !

Page Meta

This plugin uses custom fields to allow the page title tag to be customised and differ from the actual page title. Both meta descriptions and keywords can also be added if required. Page meta details can be modified on any publicly accessible post type, such as posts and pages, as well as custom p.........

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SEO nuinu

This plugin uses custom fields to allow the page title tag to be different from the actual page title. Both meta descriptions and keywords can also be added to pages....

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Meta Keywords Generator

This plugin helps your SEO by adding meta keywords tag to each page, post, archive (category, tag, date, day and year). Now it also allows you to specify common keywords to be included on every web page. Plugin from one of the best coder Durgesh Chaudhary. For any support just leave your question at.........

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Custom Metas

To assign meta description and keywords to each post of all post types to make wordpress website as search engine friendly. Update all page meta description and keywords in a single page instead of going every page individually. Make the website SEO friendly in a single page with few clicks. All in.........

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Complete Google SEO Scan

Scan many on-page search engine optimization factors of your webpages, mostly selected from Google webmaster guidelines and PageSpeed rules, as standard. Where you begin, an overview report for website content, server and design is presented beautifully for easy understanding. To see content report.........

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AJAX Post Meta

Allow any plain-text custom field to be edited via AJAX on the All Posts page. We use it at Brainstorm Media for quickly editing SEO titles, descriptions, and keywords. However, filters are provided for targeting any plain-text custom field. AJAX Post Meta will auto-detect and add columns for:...

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Yoast SEO

WordPress out of the box is already technically quite a good platform for SEO, this was true when Joost wrote his original WordPress SEO article in 2008 (and updated every few months) and it's still true today, but that doesn't mean you can't improve it further! This plugin is written from the groun.........

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Meta Changer

This is a plugin that allows you to change the meta description of any page you want on your site by simply specifying the page name. Compatible with Yoast SEO plugin....

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Keyword Statistics

With this plugin you can optimize your WordPress blog for search engines. It can automatically generate meta informations (like keywords and description for example) needed for the search engine optimization (SEO) of your blog. The Keyword-Statistics-Plugin checks the content of a post or a page fo.........

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