Mingle AWeber Signup

Enables you to optionally push users to your AWeber email list when they signup through mingle... This plugin requires you to also be running Mingle.

Simple Aweber Optin Widget

A Custom Widget plugin that adds an Aweber Optin Form on site. You can add unlimited forms on your site using this widget plugin. The form design and look can be easily customized in widget settings. Its Responsive , very Easy to Use and comes with Powerful Features. The aweber forms created by this.........

Similar: 20%

Animated Popup

Add a pop-up to your site to get new subscribers. Mailing list marketing is the best way to grow your business....

Similar: 11%

Optin Forms

Create Beautiful Optin Forms With Ease! Optin Forms allows you to create stunning optin forms for your blog or website, without the need to know any HTML or CSS. Simply select your email solution, pick a form design and customize its appearance. Add your form to your posts and pages with a simple m.........

Similar: 10%

WP Easy Post Mailer

WP Easy Post Mailer allows you to automatically send out your latest blog posts as email newsletters to your subscribers without the use of any 3rd party email platform. Visitors to your website can enter their name and email address and be subscribed to receive updates of new posts from your blog. .........

Similar: 9%

Privy Website Widget

What is it? The Website Widget from Privy makes it easy to grow your email list from your wordpress site. Privy gives you all the tools you need to capture emails using website banners, exit intent popups and mobile landing pages. Whether you're a marketing pro or just someone who needs to get th.........

Similar: 9%

Leverage FeatureBox

The Leverage FeatureBox widget enables you create beautiful opt-in/feature boxes to grow your email list and your business. It is the easiest way for you to create and test multiple calls to action anywhere on your WordPress website. You can drop the FeatureBox into any widgetized area in seconds..........

Similar: 8%

CRM & Lead Management for WordPress by vCita

vCita CRM & Leads for WordPress is the ultimate way to manage leads and customer relationships. It's a powerful CRM that lets you do a lot more than capturing and storing customers data: vCita CRM help you generate new sales opportunities, provides insights and tracks all user interactions with.........

Similar: 8%

Plugmatter Optin Feature Box

Plugmatter Optin Feature Box Plugin lets you create beautiful optin feature boxes to grow your email list. See all the Plugmatter Feature Box features at: http://plugmatter.com/feature-box/...

Similar: 7%

Let there be guides!

Huula, create guides for your site! Complexity is one thing we all hate. New visitors gets confused by your site and they quickly drop. Customers gets confused by your site and they complain and churn. But we all understand that some complexities are inevitable. Sometimes it's because of your busin.........

Similar: 6%

Users Ultra Membership Plugin

Users Ultra is the ideal tool for creating advanced user communities in few minute. Building a talents community, model agency websites, social communities and any kind of user websites is really fast. It can be intregrated in any WordPress Theme. You can add as many fields as you wish by using the .........

Similar: 3%