Mobile Previewer

Adds a responsive preview for logged in users. On hover, the frame is resized to show more detail. The preview window will scroll automaticly when the normal view is scrolled.

This is a great plugin both to keep the editors aware of how the content may vary on different devices and help theme developers view the site in different sizes at once without having to resize the browser.

This plugin was developed by Wallmander&Co to use on our clients websites.

Responsive Page Tester

When viewing the front end of the site, a "Responsive" button is added to the WordPress Toolbar. Clicking that will toggle an overlay with your website presented in various sizes for easy responsive design testing. This can be useful both during theme development, and when writing content to verify.........

Similar: 43%

Mobile Frame

This plugin allows you to display images in a full size iPhone or iPad frame. To display an images in a mobile device frame. Wrap image with shortcode 1. [mobileframe type=\"iphone\"] [/mobileframe] to display it in an iPhone frame. 1. [mobileframe type=\"ipad\"] [/mobileframe] to display it in.........

Similar: 30%


Test your responsive website from the WordPress admin bar. This plugin uses the excellent Viewport Resizer bookmarklet to add a responsive button to the WordPress admin bar. Once pressed you can easily test your site in a range of common viewport sizes (e.g. iPhone, Tablet and Desktop). The plugin .........

Similar: 28%

Awesome Responsive Menu

Worpdress Awesome Responsive Menu Plugin will help You to convert WordPress menu to responsive menu and It's easily customizable form wordpress admin . Multi-level menu support Flexible, simple markup Cross-browser compatibility and works on all type of mobile devices Easy to use admin interface F.........

Similar: 25%

Awesome Slider Lite

This is a multipurpose slider plugin. Demo : Upgrade to Pro Version Premium Support It comes with 3 level device control where different settings can be applied for different devices. Disable element or change element property on a particular device. So the slid.........

Similar: 24%

WPtouch Mobile Plugin

WPtouch is a mobile plugin for WordPress that automatically adds a simple and elegant mobile theme for mobile visitors to your WordPress website. Recommended by Google, it will instantly enable a mobile-friendly version of your website that passes the Google Mobile test, and ensure your SEO rankings.........

Similar: 20%

SO Responsive Content

For sites that have been built Responsive, this plugin will enable you to adjust your content too. On mobile devices like smart phones people are less likely to read very long pages of content and with the Responsive Content plugin you can easily adjust the text showing on these different devices. .........

Similar: 19%

Worona - Native Mobile App for free (iOS & Android)

Transform your blog into a Native App Worona is an open source WordPress plugin that enables users to convert their WordPress Blog into a native mobile App. Worona is divided into 2 different parts: the WordPress plugin itself, which prepares the content of your WordPress site to be sent to the app.........

Similar: 5%

YourChannel: YouTube channel on your website

Do you create or curate YouTube videos? Now turn your website with YouTube links into an engagement platform. You don't need more storage or bandwidth, and your visitors hate leaving the webpage they've already loaded, so why don't you let them explore your channel in your own website. Tell this p.........

Similar: 4%

Creative Contact Form

Creative Contact Form - You will be surprised by count of all the possible features! It is packed with a Template Creator wizard to create fanstastic contact forms in a matter of seconds without coding. Popular form types: Contact Form, Feedback Form, Application Forms, Surveys, Reservation Form, C.........

Similar: 4%