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Détecte un terminal mobile et vous permet de le basculer sur une thème mobile, ou de le rediriger vers un site marchand adapté et optimisé pour ce terminal, vous toucherez alors une commission à vie sur chaque vente.

Vous avez également la possibilité de rediriger uniquement les vieux terminaux afin de conserver sur votre site les smartphones de dernières générations ou encore les tablettes tactiles.

Le plugin vous ajoutera également un bouton dans l'édition de vos articles en mode visuel vous permettant d'intégrer rapidement un lien de promotion nichée où vous le souhaitez dans votre article. Cette fonctionnalité est idéale si vous avez un blog 100% mobile.

Nous vous invitons à jeter un oeil à la section Screenshots pour mieux comprendre.

WordPress Mobile Pack + HUNT

The WordPress Mobile Pack + HUNT is a complete toolkit to help mobilize your WordPress site. It has a mobile switcher, themes, widgets, and mobile admin panel. This version differs from original WordPress Mobile Pack on the way that only accepts Hunt as adserver, and ads are showing on header and fo.........

Similar: 65%

Mobile Device Detection by 51Degrees

The 51Degrees mobile device detection plugin is a complete pack to help mobilize your website and blog. It includes a mobile device detector and switcher to select themes based on the type of device visiting your website, a selection of mobile themes and an administration tool to allow easy, quick .........

Similar: 64%

BAAP Mobile Version

The BAAP Mobile Version is a complete toolkit to help mobilize your WordPress site and blog. It includes a mobile switcher to select themes based on the type of user that is visiting the site, a selection of mobile themes, extra widgets, device adaptation and a mobile administration panel to allow .........

Similar: 62%

Mobile Kit

MobileKit is a small WordPress plugin created to make the development of WP mobile themes and apps simple, allowing web / theme designers to create more immersive user experiences across platforms and devices. (BETA RELEASE)...

Similar: 62%

WPtap Mobile Detector

This plugin automatically detects the type of mobile browser that you site is viewed from, and activates the mobile theme you have chosen for it. User can install multiple mobile themes and link it to different mobile browsers for best performance. If you have a separate WAP or mobile website, this .........

Similar: 53%

WP viewMobile

If you are running a WordPress-Blog, you can use our plug-in WP viewMobile to make it ready for mobile internet - with just a few clicks. Mobile internet is irresistible. It is not only since Apple introduced its iPhone that people discover the pleasure of surfing the internet without being bound t.........

Similar: 50%

Equivalent Mobile Redirect

This WordPress plugin will detect mobile devices and redirect the user to the equivalent mobile page/post as set in the metabox that is added to your page and post screens upon activation. Option for redirecting blog index available in settings. You can also optionally override equivalent redirects .........

Similar: 33%

Browser Body Classes with Shortcodes

Adds browser-specific body classes for styling, and shortcodes to show or hide content to/from specified browsers and devices. As of v1.6, compatible with WordPress 3.9. As of v1.5, includes new body classes, including catch-alls like: desktop, handheld, mobile, and tablet. As of v1.4, includes Sh.........

Similar: 17%

Worona - Native Mobile App for free (iOS & Android)

Transform your blog into a Native App Worona is an open source WordPress plugin that enables users to convert their WordPress Blog into a native mobile App. Worona is divided into 2 different parts: the WordPress plugin itself, which prepares the content of your WordPress site to be sent to the app.........

Similar: 14%

Mobapper - Native mobile apps for WordPess (iPhone, Android, Windows, Blackberry)

Mobapper helps you create native mobile apps for your WordPress website in three simple steps. You can create apps for iOS, Android, Windows and Blackberry. All of your content will be readily available in the apps. This plugin also lets you control the contents delivered to mobile. Native mobile a.........

Similar: 9%