Monitor Pages

Sends e-mail notifications to a configurable list of addresses when Pages are published, scheduled, or modified. People on the notification list will know what page changed, and in what way it changed (e.g. updated, published, scheduled, trashed, etc).

Manage Notification E-mails

With this plugin you can switch the different WordPress notification e-mails on and off, like options as the new user and password change notifications send by WordPress to the administrator and user. Works perfectly in combination with a lot of other plugins! The options you can manage are: New .........

Similar: 28%

Author Change Notifier

Author Change Notifier (ACN): If you run a business directory or a classifieds website and you want to give the advertizers the ability to claim other posts in the website then this plugin is right for you. Once you change the author/owner/user who originally created the post, this plugin will send .........

Similar: 28%

wp_mail to XMPP

This plugin sends XMPP notifications to the users who are registered and set their own Jabber ID. Emails to them are able to be suppressed. This plugin provides a function to be added 'wp_mail' hook in wp_mail() located in wp-includes/pluggable.php. This plugin requires XMPP Enabled plugin....

Similar: 22%

Mail On Update

Since WordPress Version 2.5, WordPress automaticly checks if a new update for an installed plugin is available. However, you still have to check your wp-admin to see the notification. This plugin informs you via e-Mail when a new update is available. It uses the wordpress build-in update function to.........

Similar: 22%

CM Custom Reports

The CM Custom Reports Plugin will generate your WordPress usage reports, track and measure different activities on your site. Reports data can also be exported to PDF. By using this plugin, you are adding an important tool that will help you manage content flow and usage within your WordPress site..........

Similar: 10%

El club de la Noticia

English This plugin adds an icon to share news and social networking icons at the end of a post so that readers can share arts. compatible with small and large icons....

Similar: 8%

Addmarx - Bookmark/Share/Email Dropdown

The Addmarx Bookmark, Share, Email, Link Dropdown was developed as a customizable, integrated method of distributing your content to various social bookmarking platforms. The plugin provides four basic functions: Bookmark content using different services including a web browser Email content to f.........

Similar: 8%

uFaver Social Bookmarking Widget

The uFaver button makes easier for your users to bookmark and share your articles with other people. With simple 1 click - install, it...

Similar: 7%

Instant Highlighter

It is recommended that you install the HOT, NEW & EXCITING [Rooh.It Plugin]( instead Makes Your Web-Site/Blog VERY Viral! Puts a horizonal highlighter pen: anyone can make highlights on any part of your web page and automatically post them to a.........

Similar: 5% Instant Highlighter: Save and Share `parts` of web-pages

Makes Your Web-Site/Blog VERY VIRAL! Add a highlighter pen to your blog: anyone can then make 'highlights on any part of your page' and easily post them to any Social Networking & Bookmarking site (Facebook, Twitter, LinkdIn, Digg, etc.) Each post auto includes a tiny URL linking other readers .........

Similar: 5%