
The MooWoodle plugin is an extention of WooCommerce that acts as a bridge between WordPress/Woocommerce and Moodle. It fetches all the courses from your Moodle instance and makes them available for sale, which may be bought by users through WooCommerce. It reduces your effort by synchronising your LMS site with your online store. And when someone purchases a course from the store he/she is automatically gets registered for the course in the LMS site. More over this plugin works with WooCommerce subscription plugin too.

  • For details documentation: Click Here

Edwiser Bridge - WordPress Moodle LMS Integration

Edwiser Bridge integrates WordPress with the Moodle LMS. The plugin provides an easy option to import Moodle courses to WordPress and sell them using PayPal. The plugin also allows automatic registration of WordPress users on the Moodle website along with single login credentials for both the system.........

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WooCommerce View

Looking upon the need of users to properly view product listing as per map,list,date,grid this plugin is designed. This plugin is integreated with Map View meta-box which enables the back-end administrator to add locations to the product items. Locations can be simply added by drang and drop of the .........

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Woocommerce Open Close

This is a plug-in for a web shop to maintain it's opening and closing time for different days of a week. Isn�t this awesome ?...

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YITH Donations for WooCommerce

Add to your shop the possibility for your users to make donations for a good cause or an important solidarity campaigns. Make your users in the position to fill a donation form, make a donation in your site and let them set the amount they want to donate. Now you can do that with YITH Donations for .........

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WP Pipes

Yahoo Pipes & Zapier are powerful online services for making pipeline of data, WP Pipes by ThimPress comes available to the WordPress community to bring such of powerful abilities to WordPress site, works right inside your WordPress site. You can create many Pipes, give your Pipes input and get .........

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WordApp Mobile App Plugin iPhone & Android WooCommerce BuddyPress FREE

Mobile - WordApp | Mobile App iPhone & Android Native app & Mobile site in one. Now WooCommerce & BuddyPress Compatible Mobile - WordApp is a wordpress mobile plugin that converts your blog/website in to a mobile app & mobile website. Built by a community of mobile app geeks we are .........

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Faq Responsive

This is a highly customizable FAQ builder for wordpress. You can add unlimited FAQ with unlimited colour. FAQ Responsive is also support Font Awesome Icon. You can easy sort your FAQ position using backend. FAQ Responsive Plugin is built-in bootstrap. FAQ Responsive design is new and also open clos.........

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Squirrly SEO helps you write content that is SEO friendly and ALSO Human friendly. You'll get to improve your rankings, while providing your readers with great content. See Your SEO Stats, get a weekly SEO Audit and find the best keywords. It works well with WordPress sites that already have Yoast .........

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Automatic Lead Generator for WooCommerce

Exposed to 35 million customers every month, the Coupon Pop results talk for themselves: Boost sales by 30% Grow social communities (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, G+, Linkedin) by 25% Increase Web store’s pageviews by 250% Generates thousands of email addresses for your future sales Targeting Rule.........

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Woocommerce Admin Theme

Woocommerce Admin Panel for Shop Manager Hide woocommerce and wordpress from Shop Manager. Do not forget to upload header image for better use. Requirement: User Role Plugin The current features are as follows: 1. Enqued a Custom style sheet for Word.........

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