Multiple Sidebars

By : Andrico

A wonderful plugin to easily create many custom sidebars. These sidebars can then select in the creation of a post / page / custom post type / category / taxonomy. We give an order, and select several at once. You will see all active sidebars instead of seeing just one.



Un maravilloso plugin para poder crear fácilmente muchos sidebars. Estos sidebars luego los podremos seleccionar en la creacián de un post / page / custom post type / category / taxonomy. Podremos darle un orden, y seleccionar varios a la vez. Se verán todos los sidebars activos.


Custom Sidebars

If you'd like to show different widgets on the sidebars or footers of any area of your site - then this is the plugin for you. Custom Sidebars allows you to create all the widgetized areas you need, your own custom sidebars, configure them adding widgets, and replace the default sidebars on the p.........

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