My Widgets

This widget lists repository's your widget list onto your sidebar automatically. So you do not need writing troublesome widget list anymore. If you update source file (and readme.txt), the widget pulled information from after it published.

checkout more detail at description page:

Document Attachment Widget

Document attachment is a sidebar widget, which will display a filtered, sorted and ordered list of all related items linked to current post or page. This sidebar widget is not just limited to the sidebar of your site. By using the and added the [document-list-attachments] shortcode to a post or pag.........

Similar: 30%

Audio Attachment Widget

The Audio attachment is a sidebar widget, which will display a filtered, sorted and ordered list of all related linked audio files to current post or page. The widget will work with these audio formats (MPEG, OGG or WAV) and offer the user a download link to each attached file. If the MPEG option is.........

Similar: 30%

List Sub Categories (LSC)

This plugin enables a widget that lists only sub categories for the current category page. Features: Write your own custom widget title. Select which categories to use the widget on. If you like this plugin, remember to vote :) plugin home page...

Similar: 28%


Neeed, votre liste de shopping facile Rassemblez toutes vos envies simplement grâce à Neeed et affichez vos envies sur votre blog dans vos articles ou votre barre de widget grâce à son plugin officiel....

Similar: 19%

Url Conditional Category List Plugin Widget

This Widget Plugin enables a list or dropdown of categories if the url contain a determinate string. Features: Choose your category Select which categories to use the widget on. Entry the url conditional string that determines if or not the menu appears If you like this plugin, remember to vote.........

Similar: 19%

Link View

The purpose of this plugin is to to show the wordpress integrated links in a list or a slider by using a shortcode or a widget....

Similar: 14%

Archive Posts Accordion Panel

Archive Posts Accordion Panel is a content block and widget plugin that is used to enhance the search experience for the archive posts into accordion panel. Customer can view the archive posts according to month and year into accordion panel with ajax load more option. It allows to show unlimited s.........

Similar: 14%

WP VTiger Synchronization

Plugin uses the details you provided in plugin settings panel to fetch the contact and leads form of the Vtiger CRM. After the validating the connections settings it will fetch the fields list of Vtiger CRM under the Leads Form Field and Contact Form Fields tab. Plugin provide support to select a.........

Similar: 13%

Web Forms for Vtiger wordpress Lead capture and Contacts Sync

WP Tiger plugin is now part of WP Leads Builder For Any CRM, a combined plugins for all CRM like wp tiger, wp sugar free, wp zoho plugins with more features. Users are advised to download the new plugins no future updates or support will be available for this plugin. Version 3.2 is available with d.........

Similar: 13%


Featplug is a standalone script / wordpress plugin that can mine your WordPress posts or any other data and look for images suiting a given dimension and generates 'featured' section for your site using the found items. The featured section, includes a resized image (banner) with the label, descrip.........

Similar: 8%