myGWD RSS ShortCode

By : Mike W

Simple code, real customization.


[GWDrss feed='']

The following values can be "tweaked":

  • limit (default 5) - limit the number of items
  • container (default ul) - specify the HTML tag for the list container
  • container_class (default null) - add a class to the list container
  • list (default li) - specify the HTML tag for the list item
  • list_class (default null) - add a class to the list item
  • title (default 25) - specifies how long the title is (0 to remove the title)
  • link (default true) - hyperlinks the item (false to disable linking)
  • target (default _blank) - specifies how to open a link
  • desc (default 150) - specifies how long the excerpt is (0 to remove the except)
  • auth (default true) - displays the author (false to disable)
  • before_link (default null) - HTML to place before a link
  • after_link (default null) - HTML to place after a link
  • date (default null) - use PHP Date code to enable (ie: date='M j, Y')
  • thumb (default false) - (buggy) true to enable a thumbnail

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