Naixer Currency Converter

By : naixer

Add shortcode to display currency converter form from Google.


  • Added shortcode to display form
  • Get retsult from Google

Currency Converter Rub

This widget displays the Russian ruble, according to central bank (cbr). The list of currencies of such countries as GBP, CNY, JPY, KRW, EUR, USD. It is possible to insert a caption to this table, currencies, enable and disable the display of the desired currencies of the world. Enable and disable.........

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Convertor valutar

Plugin-ul adauga in sidebar un convertor valutar bazat pe cursul oficial al BNR pentru ziua curenta. Este disponibila si traducerea in limba engleza a plugin-ului....

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FX-CurrencyConverter Plugin for WordPress

Simple lightweight currency converter plugin for WordPress that allows your visitors to search foreign exchange rates between almost any world currencies and displays live interbank rates via a popup. Simple shortcode allows the converter to be added to posts and pages, and a sidebar widget is inclu.........

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YAACC: Yet Another AJAX Currency Converter widget for WordPress features a intuitive UI and advanced caching of currency rates....

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Euro FxRef Currency Converter

Using the [currency] shortcode you can convert one currency to another. The conversion is based on the rates published by the ECB (updated daily between 2.15 p.m. and 3.00 p.m. CET). You can change from and to any of the supported currencies. The [currency_legal] shortcode outputs a disclaimer tex.........

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Bitcoin Calculator Widget

Simple widget for converting Bitcoin to multiple currencies. This widget gets the most-recent available exchange rate data from by using their ticker API. List of currently supported currencies: USD CNY JPY SGD HKD CAD AUD NZD GBP DKK SEK BRL CHF EUR RUB SLL PLN THB This plugin.........

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WordPress Simple Currency Exchange Converter

Simple currency calculator, converts money amounts between the most used currencies in the world. 88 of the most common currencies Demo at ...

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GD Unit Converter

GD Unit Converter is easy to use admin side dashboard widget that allows fast conversion of value for different units in supported categories: Currency Length Speed Weight Computer Memory Temperature Angle Time Brightness Power Electrical Charge Electric Current Frequency Area Fuel Consumption Ene.........

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curreX is an AJAX powered Currency Conversion widget which can be run in your WordPress sidebar(s). The widget is very simple and does exactly what it's supposed to do. It accepts a currency value (integer or decimal) and a source & destination currency and gives you the converted rate once you .........

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More than 170+ currency rates. The data with currency rates is free and updates each hour automatically. Features: Few widgets for showing currency rates. Each widget have multiple settings for customizing. You can choose data provider. No additional load to your site. Currency rates updated in b.........

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