New Nine Menus Manager

By : New Nine

The New Nine Menus Manager adds a section to the 'Appearance -> Menus' section of your dashboard so you can quickly and easily create and delete menu locations on the fly.

Why? Because we're tired of jumping back and forth between our functions file and the dashboard. Because we're tired of writing register_nav_menu over and over again every time we start a new site.

And because there seems to be a disconnect here - just about every site needs to have a navigation menu, there are no configuration options for register_nav_menu, and it just seems to make sense to be able to create and delete menu locations in the dashboard.

This plugin was built by New Nine Media & Advertising.

Single Site & Network Compatible

The New Nine Menus Manager works on both individual sites and WordPress Networks.

MU Compatible

The plugin is also Must Use compatible for both single sites and network installations.

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