Nginx Mobile Theme

This plugin allows you to switch theme according to the User Agent on the Nginx reverse proxy.

Nginx Mobile Theme's requirements are as follows.

  • PHP 5.3 or later
  • WordPress 3.7 or later
  • Nginx Cache Controller 2.0.0 or later

Multi Device Switcher

This WordPress plugin allows you to set a separate theme for device (Smart Phone, Tablet PC, Mobile Phone, Game and custom). This plugin detects if your site is being viewed by UserAgent, and switches to selected theme. The Custom Switcher can add every device....

Similar: 67%

WP Smart Mobile Theme Plugin

WP Smart Mobile automatically gets your WordPress blog mobile-ready with a beautiful theme that automatically adjusts depending on the device it's accessed on, whether it's an iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, or Windows. Customize the design, enable ads, add analytics code quickly and easily from the a.........

Similar: 50%

Mobile CSS

This plugin allows you to define different CSS rules that get loaded into the page's for specific devices. Includes checks for 18 different tablet options and 13 different phone options. This can be useful if you need to target specific phones or tablets to make CSS changes or show certain advert.........

Similar: 50%

Device Theme Switcher

Device Theme Switcher is a WordPress plugin which delivers one of your WordPress themes to handheld visitors and another theme to tablet visitors. Computer visitors are given the active theme in 'Appearance > Themes'....

Similar: 40%

Black Studio Touch Dropdown Menu

Navigation dropdown menus are widely used, especially on sites with lots of pages and/or categories, since they allow to go directly to almost every page of the site, with no need to navigate through all the intermediate pages in the hierarchy. Unfortunately dropdown menus do not work well with mobi.........

Similar: 34%

SO Responsive Content

For sites that have been built Responsive, this plugin will enable you to adjust your content too. On mobile devices like smart phones people are less likely to read very long pages of content and with the Responsive Content plugin you can easily adjust the text showing on these different devices. .........

Similar: 32%

Mobile Theme Switch

Mobile Theme Switch allows to swap the active theme to another one, when your website is loaded on a mobile device. With Mobile Theme Switch plugin, you can select different themes dependent to the screen width, without having to activate the theme previously. "Mobile Theme Switch" will use the corr.........

Similar: 30%

Equivalent Mobile Redirect

This WordPress plugin will detect mobile devices and redirect the user to the equivalent mobile page/post as set in the metabox that is added to your page and post screens upon activation. Option for redirecting blog index available in settings. You can also optionally override equivalent redirects .........

Similar: 22%

Worona - Native Mobile App for free (iOS & Android)

Transform your blog into a Native App Worona is an open source WordPress plugin that enables users to convert their WordPress Blog into a native mobile App. Worona is divided into 2 different parts: the WordPress plugin itself, which prepares the content of your WordPress site to be sent to the app.........

Similar: 10%

Mobapper - Native mobile apps for WordPess (iPhone, Android, Windows, Blackberry)

Mobapper helps you create native mobile apps for your WordPress website in three simple steps. You can create apps for iOS, Android, Windows and Blackberry. All of your content will be readily available in the apps. This plugin also lets you control the contents delivered to mobile. Native mobile a.........

Similar: 7%