No Curly Quotes

By : blogmum

Stops WordPress turning inverted commas and double quotes ( ' and " ) into curly quotes in blog post content. Options to control behaviour of titles, post content, excerpt and comments separately: e.g. you can keep curly quotes in titles, but not in post content. Will work out of the box; no need to edit theme files.

Smart Quotes

Change the quotation marks, that are automatically rendered as smart or curly quotes inside your content, from the default English style (“…”) to anything you like, e.g. to Croatian/Hungarian/Polish/Romanian style quotation marks („…”), Czech or German style (R.........

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Inspire Dolly

Inspire Dolly is based on Matt Mullenweg's Hello Dolly Plugin.When you enable this plugin, on every page of the admin area it shows a random quote that inspires you to be a fearless writer and produce awesome content. Follow the developer on Twitter...

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By default, WordPress converts single and double quotation marks into their curly alternatives. This plugin prevents that from happening, so you can enjoy your quotation marks in their non-curly glory. Note: Despite the unfortunately misleading name, this plugin is NOT the antithesis of WordPress's.........

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I developed this little plugin as learning tool for delving into WordPress v2.5's new shortcodes functionality, along with getting AJAX to work on the administration pages for a better interface. (If anything it is a great learning tool for anyone wanting to write a plugin.) This plugin allows for .........

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Cleverwise Daily Quotes

Have you ever wanted to display a daily quote? Perhaps a daily tip? A daily snippet? Do you believe you should have that ability with easy management inside your familiar WordPress panel? Well... You have arrived at the solution! That's right armed with this plugin you are able to easily add dail.........

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Smart Quote Fixer

All of the other plugins that I have found only replace the smart quotes after the content has been saved to the database. This plugin will actually replace the smart quotes before it gets saved to the database. What does that mean? It means that you will now be able to perform better searches for.........

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Flexible Quote Rotator Plus

The Flexible Quote Rotator Plus plugin allows you to add quotations/testimonies to your site using a shortcode(s) or a widget(s). Includes an administration settings page and provides styling flexibility. Provides the ability to add, edit, and delete quotes....

Similar: 15%

Flexi Quote Rotator

The flexi quote rotator plugin allows you to add quotations/testimonies to your site using a shortcode or php snippet in template or as a widget. Includes an administration settings page and provides styling flexibility. You can use this plugin to display quotes or testimonials or other rotating sn.........

Similar: 15%

Nice Quotes Rotator

This plugin provides the ability to have randomly selected quotes displayed on the admin page, by using a shortcode or by using a sidebar widget. The quotes include user-entered quotes, and can optionally include excerpts from a user-chosen category and can also optionally include links from a user-.........

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Easy to setup Testimonial Plugin. Display your Testimonials in a beautiful and Modern Slider. Testimonial Plugin improves user experience and overall look of your website and is completely free. Testimonial is a WordPress Testimonial plugin with touch for mobile devices. Testimonial displays your b.........

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