
For everyone getting this warning from W3C validator: "Text run is not in Unicode Normalization Form C."


Requires PHP 5.3+

Be sure to have the PHP-Normalizer-extension (intl and icu) installed.


See also:

UNFC NoĢˆrmalize

This is a souped-up version of the Normalizer plugin by Torsten Landsiedel. It adds WP filters to normalize UTF-8 data coming into the system to the de facto web standard Normalization Form C. The Unicode Consortium report is at Unicode Normalization Forms. For best performance install (if possibl.........

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Full UTF-8

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WordPress Twitter Bootstrap CSS

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No more SPAM by spiders scanning you site for email adresses. With CryptX you can hide all your email adresses, with and without a mailto-link, by converting them using javascript or UNICODE. Although you can choose to add a mailto-link to all unlinked email adresses with only one klick at the setti.........

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