
By : unknown

After Twitme i found the time to create an other plugin. This plugin is in fact a widget that shows a menu on the sidebar with posts to read as a suggestion. For example you wrote a blog post about "Animals" and a reader comes from Google with search query "Animal" then the user will be sugested to read your "Animals" post.

This related posts widget is diffrent then all the others listen in the WordPress plugin directory because it will also work for in comming search results from search engines.

Note: Take a look at the configuration options available for the widgets these have changed since version 1.1.

Plugin Summary:

Guide your followers to the related posts on your website. If your reader comes in to your blog from a search engine for example Google ,Yahoo or Live search then it will display related posts in the sidebar. It can also be used to display related posts to a single posts the reader is reading.

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