One-Click Child Theme

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Useful for shared hosts, this allows you to easily create child themes from any theme just by clicking.

Ever since WordPress 3.0, you shouldn’t directly modify CSS of any downloaded themes because if you update the theme, your changes will be destroyed. Instead, it is recommended that you create a child theme and edit the CSS there so that updates to the parent theme will be inherited instead of destroy your changes.

The problem many run into is currently the only way to child theme something is edit files on the filesystem. This is non-intuitive for shared-hosting sites with one-click WordPress installs (it usually involves a “shell account” or learning how to use FTP).

This attempts to get around that issue, by adding a button to the themes page to allow you to child theme the page. (It’s not really one-click, though.)

Inspired by @janeforshort's and @designsimply's WordCamp SF 2011 talk on CSS theming as requested by @sfgirl for her blog.

Include Parent Theme RTL CSS

Automatically includes a parent theme RTL stylesheet for a child theme if it doesn't have its own rtl.css file. Thanks to Rami for the idea....

Similar: 67%


Bootstrap is a toolkit from Twitter designed to kickstart development of webapps and sites. Using this plugin you can easily embed Bootstrap's scripts and stylesheets to your webpage. You can also pick only the components you want, to avoid loading unnecessary files....

Similar: 60%

WP Child Theme Generator

WP Child Theme Generator is a very easy and user friendly plugin to create a child theme for any theme supported by WordPress CMS. With multiple option of creating child theme you can easily create and customize your child theme. The plugin provides two option for creating a child theme, one is easy.........

Similar: 54%

English Admin RTL Site

Allows you to use English Admin, with your RTL Site. Activate and if your themes has an RTL stylesheet, it will be used. Automatically includes a parent theme RTL stylesheet for a child theme if it doesn't have its own rtl.css file. Based on SergeyBiryukov's "Include Parent Theme RTL CSS" plugin. .........

Similar: 38%

Child Theme Configurator

Child Theme Configurator is a fast and easy to use CSS editor that allows you to create a child theme and customize it beyond the options of the Customizer. Designed for WordPress users who want to be able to customize stylesheets directly, the Child Theme Configurator lets you easily identify and o.........

Similar: 36%

Childify Me

Create child themes from any non-child theme directly from the Theme Customizer panel. Works also when previewing a theme before activation! Multisite compatible....

Similar: 31%

Style Tweaker

You can add CSS to the entire website, regardless of what theme is being used, or add it to just the current theme. You can even add CSS that displays only when you are logged on - very useful when you're playing with a new look, and it's not quite ready for public viewing. That's it! There are no .........

Similar: 30%

Site Specific CSS

Note: Sorry about the bad header problem. Version 1.0.1 should work much better. If you want a different CSS file (also known as a skin) for the different sites you are working on in WordPress Multi-Site you have to make a child theme (best practice) or copy a theme and change its name, css, and wh.........

Similar: 25%

Child Theme Creator by Orbisius

This plugin allows you to quickly create child themes from any theme that you have currently installed on your site/blog. It also creates rtl.css if exists in the parent theme. Did you find this plugin helpful? Please consider writing a review....

Similar: 24%

Simple Custom CSS and JS

Customize your WordPress site's appearance by easily adding custom CSS and JS code without even having to modify your theme or plugin files. This is perfect for adding custom CSS tweaks to your site....

Similar: 22%