OpenID Delegation

A simple plugin that adds the required meta tags to allow you to use your blog URL as your OpenID identifier with the provider you choose.

This plugins does not allow you to use your WordPress installation as a OpenID consumer or provider.

It was built based on MyOpenID Delegation plugin (

MyOpenID Delegation

This plugin adds the required meta tags to delegate OpenID to a account....

Similar: 60%


The functionality of this plugin as been included in the WordPress OpenID plugin. This plugin is no longer supported and will not be updated in the future. OpenID is an open standard that lets you sign in to other sites on the Web using little more than your blog URL. This means less usernames and.........

Similar: 40%

DKO OpenID Delegate

Please report issues, fork, etc. from the GitHub repository: This plugin adds the relevant link and meta tags for OpenID server delegation to your WP_HEAD. See this MyOpenID page for more information. If rewrite rules from a caching plugin, .........

Similar: 34%


MyOpenID plugin allows you to use your blog as your OpenID identity by delegating it to an external provider such as Symantec PIP or claimID....

Similar: 34%

PrefPass Universal Login and Registration

This plugin lets users register and log in using IDs including Facebook, OpenID, and Yahoo via PrefPass. It is based upon James Kelley's plugin that creates custom login and register pages to replace the wp-login and wp-register pages....

Similar: 19%

Open Social

Allow to Login or Share with social networks (mainly in china) like QQ, Sina WeiBo, Baidu, Google, Live, DouBan, RenRen, KaiXin, XiaoMi. No API! NO Registration! NO 3rd-party! 可用国内社交网站:腾讯QQ、新浪微博、百度、豆瓣、人人网、开心网、小米、CSDN、OSChina、微信绑定登录或分享的一个插件。 无第三.........

Similar: 6%

Simplified Social Share

Install this free plugin to enable Social Sharing on your WordPress site and start driving high quality referrals to your website. This plugin is also compatible with WordPress multisite. 82% of users consider buying or trying products and services based on their friends’ recommendations. With soci.........

Similar: 4%

Janrain Social Login

Enable people to quickly register or log in to your site using their existing identities from Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, or dozens of other social networks. Janrain supports more than 30 social networks, email, and identity providers. This plugin enables integration of Janrain Social Logi.........

Similar: 4%

Google Identity Toolkit

This is the GITkit plugin for WordPress 3.x to help website owners to integrate GITkit into their websites. It provides an Account Chooser widget, which allows users to login with their email address and password, and would like to replace that password with federated login. It currently supports Go.........

Similar: 4%

Sovay Secure Identity/Login

WordPress Logins Aren't Secure WordPress sends usernames and passwords in plain text over the Internet, where they are intercepted and stolen by hackers. It’s no surprise that 30,000 WordPress sites are compromised daily, most commonly via stolen passwords. Once hackers break into a WordPress site.........

Similar: 3%