Optimize Images Resizing

If you were ever annoyed about the way WordPress handles images resizing, this is a plugin for you.

What this plugin does is it optimizes the image handling in such a way that images are resized only when they are actually needed. What that means is that if your plugin/theme define a lot of image sizes, none of them will be generated on the image upload (like they would be usually), but only if they are actually requested in that size.

Resizing is done only once and later normally served by WordPress, so there is no performance hit.

Plugin also includes a method for removing all of the image sizes generated so far (useful when you install this plugin on a site with a lot of existing media).

TO REMOVE image sizes generated before activating the plugin, visit the Settings -> Media and use the button under "Remove image sizes" to perform the cleanup.

Other than that, you don't need to do anything, plugin works silently in the background.

To sum up:

  • Resize images only when needed
  • Clean up existing images sizes
  • No performance hit
  • Free up your hosting space


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