Paste as Plain Text

Forces the WordPress editor to paste everything as plain text.

Compact MCE

A simple plugin that reorganize your WordPress editor TinyMCE controls. We removed WordPress's default editor useless controls and added more useful controls. Removed Controls Spell checker Distraction Free Writing New Controls Style select Table Code sample (to add <pre> formated codes.........

Similar: 60%

WP Super Edit

Currently Under Redevelopment WP Super Edit is designed to get control of the WordPress wysiwyg visual editor and add some functionality with more buttons and customized TinyMCE plugins. WP Super edit acts as framework for TinyMCE visual editor plugins and buttons allowing administrators (or users).........

Similar: 38%

Fullscreen for WP Super Edit

Fullscreen 1.1 for WP Super Edit is a plugin for WP Super Edit. By using it, you can enlarge your TinyMCE editor to fit the full screen of the browser, and toggle between those two views....

Similar: 34%


Like having your own Google Docs inside WordPress! Poetica is an alternative to WordPress's default text editing interface, TinyMCE. It uses cutting edge technology to allow people to work together, at the same time on WordPress drafts. Use Poetica's tracked changes to edit your work. Poetica has.........

Similar: 34%

Custom Class Selector

The Custom Class Selector plugin allows users to style their post content using custom classes made available by the active theme. Theme developers can make custom style classes available within the visual editor by adding a simple function to the functions.php file included with their theme....

Similar: 34%

Secure Paste

WordPress itself does a job of filtering dangerous code inside your content. But your users can break your site design without compromising your security by inserting unnecessary HTML tags in post, page or in custom post type. Secure Paste removes unnecessary HTML tags from post, page and custom po.........

Similar: 28%

TinyMCE Comment Field - WYSIWYG

This plugin switches the comment field from a poor one into a rich WYSIWYG editor, using the internal TinyMCE Editor bundled with WordPress. Additional Features: Full control Enable or disable the TinyMCE comment-field on certain post-types, pages, posts or mobile devices Fully customizable Font-.........

Similar: 28%

TinyMCE Color Grid

This plugin extends the color picker for choosing a text or background color found inside the TinyMCE toolbar. You can also define custom colors with a name of your choice. These colors are persistent and available in every picker. You can specify these colors via the settings menu....

Similar: 20%


WP HTML Block help you to create HTML Block so that you can insert it to any place like page, post, custom post type, widget etc via shortcode. As per your need, you can modify the output so that you can decide if title, description or image displays and also an alignments. WP HTML Block provides y.........

Similar: 17%

Instant Weekly Roundup

Instant Weekly Roundup is a free WordPress Plugin which will help you create the weekly or monthly or any span roundups of your blog posts in a few mouse clicks and within some seconds. It would help you to write, order, design and post such kind of roundup post in no time, it is simple and most eas.........

Similar: 15%